Xx工程现场材料控制程序Field Material Control Proc.doc

Xx工程现场材料控制程序Field Material Control Proc.doc

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Xx工程现场材料控制程序Field Material Control Proc

Xx工程现场材料控制程序 Field Material Control Procedure 1 目的Objective 1 2 范围Scope 1 3 参考文献References 1 4 定义Definition 2 5 职责Responsibility 3 6 材料跟踪控制流程图 Flow Chart Of Material Traceability 5 7 主要工作内容Main working processes 6 7.1 材料的进场验收The receiving inspection and acceptance of the Materials 6 7.2 材料的存放Stocking of materials 13 7.3 标识管理Marking management 15 7.4 材料的发放Dispatch of materials 20 7.5 材料的质量保证书管理 21 8 过剩或废旧材料的处理 Handling of surplus or waste materials 22 9 附录 23 9.1 Reports of the Unsatisfactory, Overage, Shortage, Damages Material (UOSD’s) Form 23 9.2 Material Relocation Report Form 23 目的Objective 本程序的编制是为xx罐区的施工提供材料的报验、控制、储存和使用的控制方法和指导措施,以满足中国政府对工程建设强制性标准条文、施工验收规范、工程质量验收统一标准的要求以及满足业主对使用的要求。 This procedure is established to provide control methods and instructions for inspection, control, storage and use of the materials for the construction of the xxtanks of xx petrochemicals project so as to meet the requirements of the compulsive standard ordinance of the Chinese government for engineering construction, the specifications of inspection and acceptance of construction and the unified standard of engineering quality, and the requirements of the owner for usage. 范围Scope 本程序适用于xx罐区工程xx台储罐材料的报验、控制、储存和使用。 This procedure is suitable for inspection, control, storage and use of the materials for the xx storage tanks of the intermediate and product tanks of xx petrochemicals project. 参考文献References 3.5 GBJ128—90《立式圆筒形钢制焊接油罐施工及验收规范》 The specifications of the construction, inspection and acceptance of vertical welded steel sylindrical oil tank, GBJ128 —90 3.6 施工程序 PR-8710-0000-0054《不合格控制程序》 Construction procedure on Procedures for Controolling Unqualified Works, PR -8710-0000-0054. 3.9 GB50204-2002《混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范》 The Specifications of the Inspection and Acceptance of Construction Qaulity of Concrete Structural Engineering, GB 50204-2002. 3.10 GB50205-2001《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》 The Specifications of Inspection and Acceptance of Construction Qaulity of Steel Structural Enginee


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