北师大版高二英语教学(选修6)Unit 18课件-备选课件Lesson 3.pptVIP

北师大版高二英语教学(选修6)Unit 18课件-备选课件Lesson 3.ppt

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Background Li Bai (701-762 A.D.), a famous Chinese poet in Tang Dynasty, whose poems express enlightened thinking, attack dignitary in his time with intense patriotism, and the style of which is bold and unconstrained. Exercise 2 Key Words : cheerful, Christian, elegant, endless, freezing, peaceful, precious, romantic, scenic, sentimental, vivid, Exercise 3 Read the two poems. List the words or phrases from the poems related to : Poetry 1882美国诗人Dr. Clement Clarke Moore第一次把Santa Clause(圣诞老人)描写出亲切可爱的形象:面颊像玫瑰,鼻子似樱桃,常常欢乐笑靥,两鳃长满白胡子,每逢圣诞前便会驾着驯鹿雪橇来到村镇里,从民居烟囟爬下,送礼物给乖孩子。谁知这篇名为A visit from Saint Clause的诗文一经发表便到处风行,使快乐的圣诞老人形象深入人心。很多小孩想知道他究竟来自何方。 1 Reading a poem first to get the general feeling. Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word. 2 Read the poem again more slowly. Think about the actions and feelings described in the poem. Identify words that you still don’t understand. Read them again using a dictionary to help you. Remember word order is often very different in poems, e.g. in poem B: He gave a nod and up the chimney he rose . = He nodded and then went up the chimney 4 Identify the key images in the poem A : Eyes raised , I see the moon so bright . A Tranquil Night by Li Bai Before my bed a frost of light, Is it hoarfrost upon the ground? Eyes raised, I see the moon so bright; Head bent, in homesickness Jam drowned. 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。 静夜思 Recite Libai’s poem “静夜思” and Read its English version aloud. Read “the Night Before Christmas” Learn the rhymes. It was the night before Christmas, And all through the house Nothing was moving, Not even a mouse. The stockings had been hung With attention and care In the hope that Santa Soon would be there. beds/heads cap/nap roof/hoof around/bound merry/cherry bow/snow work/jerk nose/rose whistle/thistle sight/night weather: the time of day of year: Example Weather: frost Read again and answer the questions When approximately do you think then poems were written? Poem A was written in the 70


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