北师大高二英语教学(必修5)Unit 15课件 Warm-up.pptVIP

北师大高二英语教学(必修5)Unit 15课件 Warm-up.ppt

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* Warm-up arrow oxygen tick ox spelling backwards correction simplify jar n.箭 n.氧,氧气 vt.打勾做记号 n.牛,公牛 n.拼写 adv.向后 n.改正,改进 vt.简化 n.罐子,坛子 In this unit you will… ★Read magazine article. ★Talk about different school experiences. ★Listen to dialogues about school experiences and a song. ★Write a personal essay for a school magazine. ★Learn more about conditional sentences; learn about wish and should have. 读不在三更五鼓功,只怕一曝十寒。—郭沫若 加紧学习,抓住中心,宁精勿杂,宁专勿多。―― 周恩来 若要进入学问的世界,必须像赤子一样才行。培根Francis Bacon (英国) 倾囊求知,无人能夺。投资知识,得益最多。 富兰克林 Warm-up 1. Look at the words in the box for one minute. Then close your books and write down all the words you can remember. letter, serious, heart, philosophy, envelope, page, paper, 2,000 years, oxygen, scarf, rabbit, tick, five o’clock, empty, hat, ox, universe, fur, hair, amazing, world, half an hour 2. Read the Memory Strategies below. Which strategies did you use to memories the words? Memory Strategies Read the list of words quietly a few times. Repeat the words aloud. Begin with one word, then two, then three and so on. Think of the items visually, e.g. a picture of an envelope. Make connections between words, e.g. scarf, hat (clothes). Classify words grammatically, e.g. serious, empty, amazing (adjectvies). Classify words alphabetically, e.g. page, philosophy. 3. Listen to four students talking about how they remember words. Match them with the strategies they use. 1 Daver a) analytical-thinking about the structure of words 2 Luning c) self-testing-doing personal tests or asking someone at home to test you 3 Tonghuan b) visual-writing, drawing, connecting photos with words 4 Xiaofang d) oral-saying words aloud, making connections between words Answers: Dave b Luning d Tonghuan a Xiaofang c Tapescript Dave: I write down new words several times on rough paper. This helps me to spell them, too. Oh, and I also draw little pictures in my vocabulary book, you know, for “fur” I’d maybe draw a fur coat. And I also im


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