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经济新常态下的银行风险防控策略研究   摘要:随着震动全球经济的美国次贷危机爆发,7年来世界经济在调整与过度中走来。在这种大时代背景下,国民经济又出现“三期叠加”的复杂局面,即同时出现“增长速度的换档期、结构调整的阵痛期和当前刺激政策的消化期”,在多种力量作用下,中国经济告别了过去30多年10%左右的高速增长,转而进入经济增长逐渐放缓的“新常态”时期。在第40届达沃斯世界经济论坛年会上,美国太平洋基金管理公司总裁El-Erian提出“新常态”这一概念后,新常态这一概念的研究迅速在政治、经济、文化领域展开。在宽泛的整个全球经济范畴中,“新常态”是指美国次贷危机之后的较为漫长、痛苦的经济复苏过程,、但是“新常态”在中国又代表了了全新的含义。就字面意思来看,“新”是指与旧有中国砖瓦经济模式不同的新经济结构,而“常态”是指中国经济达到新的平衡。商业银行作为国民经济组成的重要部分,在经济新常态下将必定给商业银行在内的金融业带来深远的影响,作为商业银行更需要正视新常态,适应新常态。面对正在变化着,或即将变化的经济形式,商业银行更需要通过创新的风险管理制度,传统业务的转型升级,并运用大数据等当前高新信息技术手段做好风险管理工作,在当前复杂经济状况下全面提升风险防控水平。 关键词:新常态 商业银行 风险防控 The Research of Banks Risk Prevention and Control of Economy In The New Normal Li Chenyao (ICBC,Yinchuan,75001,China) Abstract:U.S. sub loan crisis shook the global economy, the world economy in the seven years to adjust and over. Under this big background, the national economy and 3 period superposition complicated situation, namely appear at the same time the growth rate of the throes of change season, structure adjustment and the current stimulus digestion phase, in the role of a variety of forces, the Chinese economy bid farewell to around 10% over the past 30 years of rapid growth, to enter the new normal period of economic growth is slowing. In the 40th annual meeting in davos world economic BBS, Pacific fund management company President el-erian put forward the concept of a new normal, the concept of the new normal research in the field of politics, economy and culture quickly. In wide a whole category of the global economy, the new normal refers to the us subprime mortgage crisis after the relatively long and painful recovery, in China, but the new normal and represents a whole new meaning to it. Literally, new, it refers to the old brick and tile economic model different new economic structure in China, and normality is to point to Chinas economy to achieve new balance. Commercial Banks as an important part of national economy, the economy will surely give commercial Banks under the new norm, significant effects


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