PEP小学英语四年级下册《Unit 4 At the Farm Part A Let’s talk》教学设计.doc

PEP小学英语四年级下册《Unit 4 At the Farm Part A Let’s talk》教学设计.doc

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PEP小学英语四年级下册《Unit 4 At the Farm Part A Let’s talk》教学设计

Unit 4 At the Farm Part A Let’s talk   Teaching goals: 1. 语言知识目标: 能够听、说、认读本课时主要: ’t. 2. 语言技能目标: ’t. 3.情感态度目标:珍惜食物,热爱劳动,让学生明白不劳无获的道理。 重点:本课时需要重点掌握’t. 难点:……? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. 教具:单词卡片, PPT,etc Teaching steps: Step1: Preparation: 1: Greetings and free talk. 2:Step 2: Presentation 1:Lead-in 出示胡萝卜的图片:T: Look at these. What are these? 教读单词these 并学习carrots和tomotoes.在学习单词的同时,练习句型What are these? They are… 2: Teach the dialogue ①T: Uncle Jone has a big farm, there are many fiuits and vegetables. Do you want to see it? S: … T: Ok. Let’s get on the bus and go to the Uncle John’s farm. 课件展示 John: Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to my farm! Follow me, let’s go into the farm! ② A: look at the picture.(读图,了解人物。) B:C:’t know the vegetables. Let’s help them, OK? 出示问题:Are these carrots? ( ) A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. 观看对话,听录音,回答问题。并教读主句型。 D:’s talk. (设计意图:通过对话的练习,让学生练习主句型) E: 出示图片:T: Are these tomotoes? 并教学和引导学生回答No, they aren’t. They are apples. 两人一组练习对话。(设计意图:通过对话的再次练习,让学生掌握主句型,) ③ 听录音,再回答问题(设计意图:了解对话内容,掌握主要信息) A: What are these? They are tomotoes. B:Step3: Practice 1: Listen and imitate. 听录音并模仿跟读。 2:3:生分角色。 4:Step4:Production Group work 1. Design a farm. 2. Stick pictures on the poster. 3. Introduce it in your group. (在小组内介绍) Welcome to our farm! A: Look at these! Are these...? B: Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. C: Wow! They are so ____. (big /small /long...) A: What are these? B: They are ______. (potatoes /…) A: Wow! They are _____. (yellow /green/brown...) D: Try some! They are______ ! (good / sweet/ delicious/yum) Step5:Progress 1:Share a video about vegetables. 2: Emotional education:Fruit and vegetables are healthy! So eat more fruit and vegetables! Step6: Summary What we have learned today ? Can you remember? Step7:Homework A. Listen and imitate the talk. (听音并模仿跟读对话。) B. Please talk about the farm in your g


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