人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit 6 Work quietly!》课件.ppt

人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit 6 Work quietly!》课件.ppt

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人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit 6 Work quietly!》课件

Bye,my friends. Let’s go home. What do you want to say? 读完这个故事, 你想说什么? Homework: 1.Act the talk after class。 2.Draw some simple sighs and put up in your classroom or your room 。 (手绘英语标志并张贴在教室或你家。) * Unit 6 Work quietly! 用下面的句子每人说一句。 I like s. 1 2 3 4 同桌合作说:动物们正在做什么? The are/is ing. √ √ 1 2 3 4 What animals can you hear? 你听到了哪些动物? cute little What are they doing? ●看视频,在课本58页对话中 ●小组内交流所划的句子,并读一读。 读对话,在课本58页对话中划出句子。 Look at the pandas. They are eating lunch. They like . bamboo I am bamboo book Sam bam sleeping It’s playing with its mother. What’s the little monkey doing? its It’s Good friends(好朋友) a rabbit, 同音词 ① it’s =it is它是 ears are long. ② its 它的 It’s its It’s playing with its mother. The elephant is drinking water. Let’s chant I am You are 单数 is 复数 are 动词ing 别忘了, 现在进行时我会了. I am He is She is We are You are They are have English class clean … room eat dinner read a book watch TV play football I am reading a book. 说句子时要注意什么? 谁来给大家提个醒? 听音跟读,注意语音语调哟! Practice with your partner A: Look at the . B: What are they/is it doing? A: They’re/It’s B: Oh,yes! They’re /it’s funny/cute/…. eating/singing/dancing/playing/drinking/ swimming/sleeping/ climbing… Monkey/panda/duck/cat/dog/ elephant/… What should you do in the zoo? 1 The lion is sleeping. 2 Follow me. 3 The elephants are swimming. In the forest The bears are eating. Follow me. Follow me. The kangaroos are jumping. The monkeys are playing. Follow me. Follow me. They are playing. *



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