牛津高中英语教学案M4 U2.doc

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牛津高中英语教学案M4 U2

Module 4 Unit 2 Sporting events 重点词汇讲解 P21- Reading 1. delighted adj.高兴的,愉快的 be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事I’d be delighted to come. be delighted at/with/by … 对……很高兴I’m delighted at your success. be delighted that … 很高兴……She was delighted that you could stay with her. delight v. n.使高兴;高兴→delightful adj.令人愉快的with delight 高兴地 delight2. significance n.重要性,重要意义 be of great/little significance I do not think this case is really of great significance. 我认为这个案例没有太大的意义。 significant adj. 意味深长的a significant speech 意味深长的演说 3. compete vi.比赛,竞争 compete in 在……中比赛/竞争 compete in the race compete for为……而比赛/竞争The two teams will compete for the championship. compete against/with与……竞争/比赛 competed for the first prize against/with other athletes in the competition. competitor n.竞争者 →competition n.竞争,比赛 →competitive adj.竞争性的,比赛性的4. honour n.尊敬,敬意,荣誉,光荣honourable adj. 光荣的,可敬的,高尚的 in honour of 纪念,向……表示敬意in memory of 纪念 1) They held a party in honour of the model workers. 他们举行了一场晚会来向劳模们表示敬意。 2)He wrote a book in honour of his soldiers. 他写了一本书来纪念他的士兵们。 have the honour of doing sth. 很荣幸能够做某事 do sb. honour/ do honour to sb. 向某人致敬 it would be an honour 那将是一种荣幸He was honoured with an award for his wonderful design. 5. attempt n.努力;尝试;企图;vt. ( 常与to do连用)尝试;企图 attempt to solve things by himself.尝试自己解决问题。 make an attempt to do 打算;试图She made an attempt to cook the dinner. 她试着做饭。 on her first attempt P33~39 1. association n. 社会,社团;关联;联想 1)The association meets four times a year. 这个协会每年召开4次会议。 2)He developed a close association with the university. 他与那所大学建立了密切的联系。 in association with 与……联合[结交, 有关联] associate v. 联合; 由……联想到……, 把……联系起来 be associated with…与……相关联 e.g. I don’t like these layabouts you’re associating with. 我不喜欢你结交的这些游手好闲的人。 ( ) He wished to forget everything ________ with his former life and start a new life. A. joined B. associated C. buried D. carried 2. remove v. 去除,移开;开除;免除,解除(职务) remove sb./sth. from sth. 从…移开… 1) He removed his hand from h


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