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In the Campus在校园

Unit 27 In the Campus在校园 【Brief Introduction 简介’d like to borrow a book on computer. 我想借一本电脑方面的书。 ● I’d like to apply for a library card. 我想申请一个借书证。 ● I’d like to renew it for another week. 我想再续借一个星期。 ● Can you show me how to find the books in the stacks? 您能告诉我怎样在书架里找书吗? ● Can you tell me how many books I can borrow at a time? 您能告诉我一次可以借几本书吗? ● Can you tell me how long I can keep it? 您能告诉我这本书我可以保留多长时间吗? Lending books, magazines, etc. 借出图书,杂志等 ● You can find it in the card catalog. 你可以在目录里找到它。 ● If you only know the author, just look it up in the author catalog. 如果你只知道作者,那就查作者目录。 ● I’m afraid the book you want is checked out(taken, on loan, out). 您要的那本书恐怕已经借出了。 ● Please consult the card catalog first. 请先查卡片目录。 ● Please return them by the due date. 请按时归还。 ● Your book is two days overdue. You’ll have to pay fines. 您的书已经过期两天了,您得付罚款。 Classroom expressions 课堂用语 ● Has the bell gone? 打铃了吗? ● Sit (up) properly. 坐好。 ● Please pay attention. 请注意。 ● Please come to the front of the class. 请到前面来。 ● Open your books to page… 打开书的第……页。 ● Put away your books. 把书收好。 ● Hand in your papers, please. 请交练习本。 ● No helping. 不要提示。 ● That’s all for today. 今天就讲到这里。 ● Class is over. 下课了。 ● May I ask a question? 我问个问题可以吗? ● Could you explain that again? 您能再解释一遍吗? ● I’m sorry, but I couldn’t follow you. 对不起,我听不懂。 ● I’m sorry, but I’m still not clear about that point. 对不起,这一点我还是不很清楚。 ● Let me see. I think it’s… 让我想一想。 我认为…… ● I’m sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道。 Work in class 课堂活动 ● We shall read aloud. 我们将进行阅读。 ● Please answer my (his, her) questions. 请回答我的(他的、她的)问题。 ● Please make sentences with the word (phrase)… 请用……这个词造句。 ● Next, we shall play a game (do some exercise, etc.) 下面,我们做个游戏(练习等等)。 ● Who would like to try? 谁愿意试一试? ● Please raise your hand. 请举手。 ● For homework, do Exercise 1 and 2. 作业,坐练习1和2。 ● Review the last lesson. 复习前一课。 【Conversations会话】 Dialogue 1 (A: Teacher; B: Bob; C: Clack) A: Now let’s recite the poem we learned last week. Any volunteers? 现在背诵上周学的那首诗。谁自告奋勇? B: May I have a t


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