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Unit1同根词1、compose expose impose propose dispose suppose oppose root: pose v. 摆 → position → posture 姿势、姿态↓ ute/ure 抽象名词后缀*compose v. 组成 由……组成 be composed of 被动语态 consist of主动语态 composer创作人、作曲家 composition作文、作品 composite adj合成 a composite photo 一张合成的照片*expose v. 使……暴露 be exposed to 暴露在……中 exposition(Expo) 展览会、博览会*impose v. 强加 impose sth upon sb ↓ impose one’s view upon othersimpose tax/fine upon sb向前 prospect n. 前景procedure n. 程序流程↑ ↗ ↓* propose v. 建议 go *dispose v. 处理掉 dispose of↓no Man propose, God dispose 谋事在人,成事在天*suppose v. 形近词1、assure ensure reassure insure secure2、confine confirm conform confrontcon=com=cor=col=co*con-fine(end) n. 界限 v.限制 be confined to 被限制在……里↓ ↓together fin finish final v finite adj 有限的 infinite 无限的 re-fine v. 精炼、提炼 refine one’s idea ↓return *con-firm 证实、确定;使……坚定 confirm one’s reservation ↓1、公司 2、vt坚定 *con-form v 符合,与……一致;遵守 conform to the local custonms 入乡随俗↓ 形式遵守conform to comply with abide byobserve 1、观察 2、遵守*con-front v (勇敢)面对 be confronted with↓ 向前 consolidate 巩固、加固 under-mine 暗中破坏、削弱↓ ↓ ↓ 坚固 下 地雷consolidate one’s position undermine one’s position undermine one’s reputation3、bold fold mold scold withhold threshold ol/ult=grow old(老)ad-ult 成年↓ 加强 adolescent 未成年↓↓↓ 加强grow less establish 建立 abolish 废除*bold 1、冒失的;2、粗体的 bold type*fold v 折叠 folding chair*mold/mould模具;★塑造 mold one’s character milk the cow 挤牛奶 ★ It’s bold to fold the mold*scold=blame责备 scold sb for sth*with-hold v. 不给,拒绝给予 withhold the payment 拒绝付款↓ withhold the rent 拒绝交租金against withstand v 抵挡,阻挡 withstand the temptation 抵制诱惑 withdraw v 取出 withdraw money form one’s account↓ 拉 → drawer 抽屉 *threshold n.1、门槛 → 2、开端on the threshold of a brilliant carrer 灿烂职业生涯的开端 职业:professionprofessor↓ ↓ 前 说 vocation n.天职→职业 vocational school 职业学校 4、diffuse discount dismay disrupt dis 1、no 2、apart↓dif*dif-fuse vt 扩散、传播 diffuse knowledge↓ ↓分开 化 1、保险丝 2、熔化 confuse v. 混淆 confused↓ ↓一起 化refuse v.拒绝↓ ↓return 化*discount


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