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三一口语第一级Unit 1 Hello, my name is Jack 一 词汇 核心词汇:go come stand up sit down door 扩充词汇:(1)动作类: fly run jog hop swim walk lie (2) 房 间:window windowsill wall ceiling floor 二 句型 (1)Good morning/afternoon/evening/night (2)Hello/Hi, My name is/I’m … (3)Nice to meet you. (4) What’s your name? (5) Come over here. (6) Go to the door. 三 考官问题 (1)What’s your name? 句型扩充:Please tell me your name. /Who are you? May I have your name please? /Are you..? What’s your mother…’s name? She/He/It’s name is….) Unit 2 How old are you? 一 词汇 核心词汇:girl peach bird monkey skateboard computer clock air-conditioner TV map flag curtain numbers one-ten 扩充词汇:(1)动作类: 见Unit 1 (2) 电 器: fridge microwave oven dishwasher washing machine air conditioner, telephone (3)水果类:pear, banana, apple, grape, lemon, orange, watermelon, plum, strawberry (4)动物类: tiger, elephant, cat, dog, cow, goat, duck, chicken, horse, hen, rooster, pig, sheep, duckling (5)数字类:numbers 1--10 二 句型 (1)How old are you? (2)I’m … years old. (3)How many … are there? (4) There are …. (5) Stand up. Sit down. 三 考官问题 (1)How old are you? 句型扩充:How old is Jack/Lily…? How old is your father/mother…? (2) How many girls are there? 句型扩充:How many (…见可数名词单复数对照表) Unit 3 This is a classroom 一 词汇 核心词汇:ruler blackboard eraser chair pen book book shelves broom dustpan mop close open 扩充词汇:(1)教室类: desk, pencil, marker, backpack, crayon, ballpoint pen, paper (2) 动词类:shut, turn on, turn off, turn down 二 句型 (1)What’s this? (2)It’s a …. (3)What are these? (4) They’re …. (5) How many … are there? (6) There be. (7) Close the door. Open the window. 三 考官问题 (1)What’s this? 句型扩充:What’s that? (2) What are these? 句型扩充:What are those? (3) How many… are there? 句型扩充:How many… do you have? Unit 4 Is she my mum? 一 词汇 核心词汇:见Unit 3 扩充词汇:(1)可数名词:见可数名词单复数对照表 (2) 人记关系:mum (mother), dad (father


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