上海牛津9A Unit 6 语法知识点.doc

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上海牛津9A Unit 6 语法知识点

9A Unit 6 语法知识点 ’t written to my mother recently. 近来我一直没写信给我母亲。 5. case n. 案件 如:The policeman is telling us a recent case that he dealt with last week. 那位警察正给我们讲上星期他处理过的 最近的一桩案件。 【短语】① in case 如果,以防万一 如:You’d better take the keys in case I’m out. 你最好带上钥匙以防我不在家。 Take along an umbrella, just in case. 随身带一把伞,以防万一。 ② in case of + n. 如:Call this number in case of emergency. 万一发生意外,就拨打这个号码。 ③ in case that + 从句 6. theft n. 行窃,盗窃 如:He was sent to prison for theft. 他因盗窃(罪)被判入狱。 I told the police about the theft of my car. 我向警方报案我的汽车被盗了。 The theft happened in our neighbourhood last night. 昨晚我们小区发生了行窃。 7. clue n. 线索,提示 如:The police are going to his house to look for clues. 警察正要去他家寻找线索。 The detective was clever at spotting clues. 侦探擅长于发现线素 。 【短语】not have a clue 毫无头緒,一点也不知道 如:-- Whats his name ? -- I haven’t a clue. 8. admit v. 承认 如:John admitted breaking the window in the library. 约翰承认打碎了图书馆的窗户。 He never admits that he is wrong. 9. suspect n. 犯罪嫌疑人 如:As a suspect, he is being questioned by police. 他被当作犯罪嫌疑人正在接受警方审讯。 注意:suspect作名词时,重音在第一个音节上,作动词时,重音则在第二个音节上。 suspect v. 猜想,料想;怀疑 如:Tom wasn’t at college today. I suspect that hes ill. 汤姆今天没来学校。我想他是病了。 They suspect John of stealing the money. 他们怀疑约翰偷了钱。 10. question v. 询问,审问,盘问 如:What right have you to question me? 你有什么权利盘问我? The police questioned him about the stolen car. 警方询问了他关于被盗汽车的情况 。 11. insurance n. 保险(无复数形式) 如:She works in an insurance company. 她在一家保险公司工作。 Car insurance is expensive in our city. 我们城市的汽车险很貴。 ? → v. insure 给……保险,投保;确保 如:My house is insured against fire. 我的房子保了火险。 12. guilty adj. 有罪的 如:The death of his patient made him feel guilty. 他病人的死使他觉得有罪恶感。 He has been guilty of a crime 他犯了罪。 短语 1. deal with 处理,对付,对待 如:Hes a difficult man. Nobody quite knows how to deal with him. 他是个难缠的人。没人真正知道该如何对付他。 My secretary will deal with my


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