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Lecture 2: Great Britain: The Country and the People; British Government Britain: a tiny country with an enormous [in?:m?s] 庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的 impact on the world British Isles [ail] 岛 Ireland Great Britain or United Kingdom (officially United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland): England Scotland Wales [weilz] Northern Ireland Maritime [m?ritaim] 海的;海事的;沿海的;海员的 Climate Influences on Britain’s climate: Gulf Stream墨西哥湾流 North Atlantic Drift [drift] 漂流,漂移;趋势;漂流物 Southwesterly [,sauθwest?li] 来自西南的;往西南的prevailing[priveili?盛行,流行 winds Early explorers followed ocean currents prevailing winds Results of ocean currents 洋流 prevailing winds Warm winters Cool summers Changeability [t?eind??bil?ti] 可变性;易变性 Abundant rainfall Long twilight [twailait] 黎明,黄昏;薄暮in summer due to high latitude British People Great Britain is made up of successive [s?ksesiv] 连续的;继承的;依次的;接替的waves波动 of invaders[inveid?] 侵略者;侵入物 and/or immigrants The earliest inhabitants [inh?bit?nt] 居民;居住者of Britain are unknown Most likely they built Stonehenge 4000 years ago Celts (Scots, Irish, Welsh) invaded Britain c. 500 BC Romans invaded England in 1st century Romans brought both Christianity [,kristi?n?ti] 基督教;基督教精神,基督教教义 Roman pagan [peiɡ?n] 异教的;异教徒的religion Romans built Hadrian [heidri?n]’s Wall to keep out northern barbarians [ba:b??ri?nz] 野蛮人(Scots) They abandoned England when Rome was threatened in 5th century Romans left behind 留下;遗留many buildings, but little other lasting influence Angles, Saxons, Jutes (Germanic [d??:m?nik] 日耳曼人的tribes[traib] 部落) invaded settled England during the 5-7th centuries They made significant contributions to the early English language Old English language is Germanic Vikings北欧海盗 (also called Norsemen北欧人or Danes丹麦人) plundered [pl?nd?] 掠夺;抢劫;侵吞England settled in the 9-10th century Vikings come from Scandinavia [,sk?ndineivi?斯堪的纳维亚 (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) Normans led by William the Conqueror conquered England in 1066 Normans are descendants[disend?nt] 后裔;子孙 of Vi


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