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1、net profit 净利润 gross profit 毛利润 2、hence something 因……而得或者产生 The village stands by a long river, hence its name Furthermore = moreover 3、arise 抽象概念的产生 4、drift 漂流 flow流动 fly 飞行 5、be preferable to 偏爱 prefer A to B prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do rather than do B 6、in place of 代替 on behalf of 代表 7、crash 坠入(vi) crush 粉碎(vt) the box was crushed when the car ran over it crush a plot 粉碎阴谋 dash 猛掷 dash a vase to the floor dash into a shop 冲进店里 8、superficial 表面的, 肤浅的 identical 完全相同的 9、domestic and foreign 国内外(作定语) home and abroad 国内外(作状语) 10、convey 传达 survey 调查 poll 民意调查 investigation 对某一事进行调查 11、on display 陈列 consult 请教/咨询 consultant 顾问 acquire 学得语言 inquire询问 require 要求 12、sustain 支撑,忍受 13、hush =be quiet 宁静,寂静 assemble 集合,装配 summon 召集,召开 attend 参与,参加 participate in 参加 14、offer a price 报价 15、dimension 直径 volume 体积,音量,(书)第几卷 magnitude巨大的 16、result in 导致 holds on 坚持 17、live on 靠……谋生 make provision for为…… 作准备 live up to 不辜负,达到……要求 live with 不得不接受/忍受 18、reception 接待 19、explore 探测 20、dump 倾销 21、appreciation 增值 be associated with 与……相关 economy boom 经济快速增长 baby boom 婴儿潮 22、be supposed to =should subjective 主观的 transparent 透明的 influential 有影响的 25、stick to 坚持 order 顺序 principle 原则 26、break down =stop functioning 抛锚 break out 灾难爆发 bring up 解散,分手/抚养 27、retain 保留 retain ticket He likes to retain his post The soil retains moisture well Maintain 保养 Obtain 获得 Detain 扣留,拘留 Attain 实现 Sustain 支撑,忍受 28、loss 常用gross 不用net 29、have / take /show interest in 30、distribute 分发 31、accurate 通过努力达到准确性 precise 细节上的精确 precise calculation perfect 完美的 32、fundamental 根本的,基础彻底 be typical of 典型的 33、stand by 支持 stand out 出众(outstanding 杰出的) stand up to 经受得起 This material stands up to high temperature 34、take in 呈现/承担 take up 占据 take to 喜欢 take over 取而代之 35、competed with 与……竞争 get on/ along well with 与……相处 yield to 向……屈服 36、receipt 收据 37、scan 扫视 38、thought about 考虑 thought of 想到 thought over 反复考虑 thought out 想出 39、 In western, fortune can be obtained or lost overnight overnight 一夜之间 pun


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