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Lesson 10, the loss of Titanic 坦塔尼克号的沉没 Colossal (huge, immense)巨大的 a colossal building, price, amount 巨大的建筑物,高价,庞大的数量 Bulky (take up much space, awkward to move or carry)庞大的;巨大的,不好拿,不好动的 the bulky figure of the inspector 检察官庞大的身躯 a bulky parcel, load 巨大的包裹,载荷 Exorbitant (of a price, charge)much too high or great, unreasonable (价格,索价) 过高的,不合理的 exorbitant rents 过高的租金 exorbitantly expensive 过于昂贵的 Gorgeous, amazing, awesome 非常漂亮的 Gorgeously awesome 美的一塌糊涂 Watertight 不漏水的, 水密的 –〉 a watertight alibi 无懈可击的借口 Waterproof 防水的,不透水的 a waterproof watch 防水手表 -( wax the boots to waterproof them给靴子上蜡为了防水 Rustproof 防锈的,抗锈的 As competition heats up and pushes prices down, businesses scramble to boost their profits by heaping on extras: rust proofing your car, service contracts on your appliances, prepaid gasoline for your rental car.随着竞争变得激烈,价格被迫下降,各个公司通过向消费者推销大量的额外服务设法提升利润,诸如汽车防锈保养,设备维修合同,租车汽油预付等。 (household appliances家用电器, rental service租赁服务 ) Compartment 隔间(尤指火车车厢中的) 车室 the first-class compartments 头等车室 a case with separate compartments for shoes, jewellery 分格存放鞋子,珠宝的箱子 watertight compartment 密封舱 Carriage (railway coach for carrying passengers)(火车)客车厢 a first-class carriage 头等车厢 the sleeping carriage 卧铺 Flood (cause a place that is usu dry to)be filled or overflow with water) (sth floods/is flooded某物被淹)(通常使干燥的地方)灌满水,淹没,泛滥 the basement floods whenever it rains heavily 一下大雨地下室就灌满了水 the river has burst its banks and flooded the valley 河水冲破堤岸,淹没了山谷 两人穿过空荡荡的走廊,忽然间海水冲了进来,一排水浪淹没头顶 (wade through the chest-high grass/the desert费力走过没到胸口的草丛/沙漠 wade in the river 在河水里趟过河) Rose and Jack waded through deserted corridors, which are rapidly flooding. A wall of water suddenly hits them, and sweeps them off their feet (of thought or feeling)flow powerfully over sb, surge over sb (思想或感情)充溢,涌现 a great sense of relief flooded over him~~feel greatly reflieved 深感宽慰 memories of childhood came flooding back 童年的往事涌上心头 Inundate sth (with sth) (cover sth with water by overflowing)(文) 泛滥,淹没 when t


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