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University Days 译文

University Days 大学生涯James Thurber 詹姆斯·瑟伯I passed all the other courses that I took at my University, but I could have never pass botany. This was because all botany students had to spend several hours a week in a laboratory looking through a microscope at plant cells, and I could never see through a microscope. I never once saw a cell through a microscope. This used to enrage my instructor. He would wander around the laboratory pleased with the progress all the students were making in drawing the involved and, so I am told, interesting structure of flower cells, until he came to me. I would just be standing there. I can‘t see anything, I would say. He would begin patiently enough, explaining how anybody can see through a microscope, but he would always end up in a fury; claiming that I could too see through a microscope but just pretended that I couldn‘t. It takes away from the beauty of flowers anyway, I used to tell him. We are not concerned with beauty in this course, he would say. We are concerned solely with what I may call the mechanics of flars. Well, I‘d say. I can‘t see anything. Try it just once again, he‘d say, and I would put my eye to the microscope and see nothing at all, except now and again a nebulous milky substance.----a phenomenon of maladjustment. You were supposed to see a vivid, restless clockwork of sharply defined plant cells. I see what looks like a lot of milk, I would tell him. This, he claimed, was the result of my not having adjusted the microscope properly, so he would readjust it for me, or rather, for himself. And I would look again and see milk.?我大学所修各门课程都通过了,但就是过不了植物学这一关,这是因为,凡是修植物学课程的学生都必须每周在实验室里呆上若干小时,透过显微镜观看植物细 胞,而我却总是看不透显微镜。我从未透过显微镜看见过一个细胞,这每每令我的老师勃然大怒。他总是在实验室踱来踱去,为所有学生在绘画有关的花朵细胞的结 构上所取得的进步而高兴,大家告诉我那是很有意思的结构。最后他来到我面前,我则往往站在那儿,说道:“我什么也看不见。”他开始说话时总是很耐心,说明谁都能看显微镜,但又总是以怒不可遏告终。他宣称,我也能看透显微镜,只是假装不能而已。我对他说:“不管怎样,这都剥夺了花的美。”他则说:“这门课程讲的不是美,而主要是姑妄称之为花的结构。”“唔,”我说,“我什么也看不见。”“再试一次,”他说,于是我便把眼睛放在显微镜上,除了偶尔看见一种模糊的乳状物质之外,根本什么也看不见,而这种模糊的乳状物质则是一种调试失当


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