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Lesson 9考博英语

Lesson 9 drainage n.排水,排水法,排水设备,污水,流域,外流 辨析 drawback,handicap Drawback主要指情形,计划或物品等的缺点和不利条件 Handicap指造成某人做某事困难的不利条件 dredge n.挖泥机 v.挖掘,挖出,吸出 搭配:dredge up 重提旧事 例句:Newsweek dredged up some remarks that the President made last year. dubious a.迷惑的,迟疑的,引起怀疑的 搭配:be dubious of sth. 对…怀疑的,对…无把握的 5.due a.应付的,到期的,充分的 n.应得物,当然权利 搭配:due to 由于,因为 dump n.堆垃圾的地方,垃圾堆 v.倾倒垃圾,倾销 例句:Some developed countries always dump goods into other countries. 6.duplicate n.复制品,副本 v.复制 搭配:in duplicate 一式两份 例句:We must duplicate the document in case it is lost. dwell v.居住 搭配:dwell on sth. 细想…,详述… dwell in sth. 居住在… 例句:Stop dwelling on your problems and do something about them. dwindle v.逐渐变小 eccentric a.古怪的,偏执的,不同圆心的 eclipse n.日食,没落 v.引起日食,使黯然失色 搭配:be in eclipse 日食,失去光彩,失势 辨析economical,economic Economical除有经济的意思外,还有节约的,节省的意思,指在金钱或物品上精打细算 Economic的意思是经济上的,经济学的 effluent a.流出的,流动的 辨析effective,efficient Effective只用于物,着重指可达到预期且长远的效果 Efficient可用于人和物,特指高效的 elastic a.弹性的,有弹力的,灵活的,可伸缩的 n.橡皮带 elated a.得意洋洋的,情绪高昂的 elicit v.得出,引出,诱出 搭配:elicit assistance from 从…中获得帮助 例句:The girl wanted to elicit assistance from her friends but only got laughter. elongate v.拉长,伸长,延长 eloquence n.雄辩,口才 elucidate v.阐明,说明,解释 例句:The note helps to elucidate the most difficult parts of the text. emanate v.散发,发出 例句:Wonderful smells were emanating from the kitchen. emancipate v.解放 例句:Slaves were emancipated after the war. embellish v.美化,润饰 例句:Dr. Liu gave an embellished account of what had happened. emblem n.象征,类型,具体化,徽章 eminence n.显赫,高地,高处 辨析emotion,feeling,passion Emotion意义最广,没有任何感情色彩,可以指爱,恨等情感 Felling比较常用,可指各种内外的感觉 Passion表示强烈的,深沉的而且是无法控制的感情,有时也表示仇恨或气愤。 empirical a.经验的,实证的,经验主义的 辨析empirical,experienced,experimental Empirical的意思是经验的,经验主义的 Experienced是富有经验的 Experimental表示实验的,根据实验的 emulate v.效仿,模仿,仿真 例句:There is much in his work that I can emulate. enact v.指定(法律),上演,扮演 例句:Congress voted to enact the bill. encapsulate v.用概括的话表达,封装 例句:The leaking fuel rods will be encapsulated in lead. enchant v.使迷醉,施魔法于 例句:The


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