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名词词组和固定搭配 1.介词+名词 偶然 He met Tom by accident. 他偶然遇到汤姆。 由于;因为 Bill cannot come to the meeting on account of illness. 比尔因病不能到会。 另外 They eat a great deal of fruit in addition. 他们还吃大量的水果。 除...之外(还) In addition to French, he has to study Japanese. 除了法语外,他还得学日语。 在空中;向空中 A plane is flying in the air. 一架飞机正在空中飞翔。 悬而未决 The date of the dinner party is still in the air. 宴会的日期尚未确定。 on an) average按平均值,通常 以...为基础 Is it accurate to predict the result on the basis of one secret vote? 以一次不记名投票为基础预测结果准确吗? at the) best充其量,至多 for the better好转,改善 on board在船火车飞机上(的) 喘不过气来 Im out of breath after running up the stairs. 奔上楼梯我气喘吁吁。 on business为了生意为了公事 无论如何 In any case, book the tickets first. 无论如何先把票订好。 如果发生 In case of fire, open this safety door. 一旦发生火灾时,打开这扇安全门。 假使 In case she comes back, let me know immediately. 假使她回来了,立刻告诉我。 免得 Take the raincoat in case it rains. 带着雨衣,以防下雨。 决不 In no case should you forget your task. 你决不能忘记自己的任务。 偶然 I met Tom by chance yesterday. 昨天我偶然遇见汤姆。 主管 An experienced mechanic is in charge of the job. 一位有经验的机械师负责这工作。 照料 Mary is in charge of the children. 玛丽负责照顾这些孩子。 共同的;共有的 Those two have something in common. 两者有共同之处。 最后;总之 In conclusion, Id like to thank you for all youve done for me. 最后,我要感谢你们为我所做的一切。 只要;以...为条件 You can use the bicycle on condition that you return it tomorrow. 只要你明天归还,自行车你可以拿去用。 秘密地 Im telling you this in strict confidence. 这件事我只告诉你。 in connection with ....to与...有关 结果 She studied hard, and in consequence she passed the examination. 她努力学习,结果通过了考试。 由于 In consequence of his bad work, I was forced to dismiss him. 由于他工作表现不好,我只好把他辞退。 正相反 Youre quite free now, I think.On the contrary, I have tons of things to do! 我想你现在一定很空。正相反,我有一大堆事要做! 与...形成对比;与...相比 In contrast with his brothers, Tom is rather short. 与几位兄弟相比,汤姆的个子相当矮。 不受控制;失去控制 The plane got out of control and crashed into the sea. 飞机失控,坠入大海。 处于控制之下 You should learn to keep your temper under control. 你应该学会控制自己的脾气。 无论如何;不惜代价 We will save his life at all costs. 我们将不惜任何代价挽救他生命。 以...为代价 He save


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