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VARIAN中级微观经济学复习 2,Budget Constraint Describe budget constraint Algebra : B(p1, … , pn, m) ={ (x1, … , xn) | x1 ? 0, … , xn ??0 and p1x1 + … + pnxn ? m } Graph: Describe changes in budget constraint Government programs and budget constraints Non-linear budget lines 上图是基本的,税收和补贴、Quantity Discount,Quantity Penalty,One Price Negative The Food Stamp Program,Uniform Ad Valorem Sales Taxes,都可以看做商品价格或收入发生变动,从而预算线斜率,截距发生变动。 3. Preferences Describe preferences:strict preference; indifference; weak preference 三大公理:完备性,反身性,传递性 Indifference curves ( 无差异曲线) V 无差异曲线形状很多:良好性状的、完全互补、完全替代等。 Well-behaved preferences: Monotonicity(单调性): More of any commodity is always preferred (i.e. no satiation and every commodity is a good). Convexity (凸性): Mixtures of bundles are (at least weakly) preferred to the bundles themselves. Marginal rate of substitution ( 边际替代率) MRS= dx2/dx1,大概讲就是为放弃一单位元x1,需要多少单位元x2补偿以保持相同效用。 4. Utility Utility function (效用函数) Definition Monotonic transformation (单调转换) 效用函数能够进行单调转化本身表明我们使用的是序数效用论。单调转换的特性在解题中能起到简化的作用。 常见的效用函数有:V(x1,x2) = x1 + x2.,W(x1,x2) = min{x1,x2}.,U(x1,x2) = f(x1) + x2 ,U(x1,x2) = x1a x2b 拟线性偏好在科斯定理那里有重要运用。 Marginal rate of substitution 边际替代率 这个式子推导:U(x1,x2) ? k,全微分: 既然单调变换组无线当MRS不变5. Choice Rational constrained choice Computing ordinary demands Interior solution ( 内在解) Corner solution ( 角点解) “Kinky” solution 这讲预约费Max U(x1,x2) s.t. 完全互补:把折点连起来,该直线方程与预算约束连立求解 完全替代:U(x1,x2) = x1 + x2 谁便宜就买谁。 Cobb-Douglas: , (这个结论很重要,cobb-douglas 效用函数很常用,不可能每次都重新推导) 6. Demand Own-price changes Price offer curve (价格提供曲线) The curve containing all the utility-maximizing bundles traced out as p1 changes, with p2 and y constant, is the p1- price offer curve。 Ordinary demand curve The plot of the x1-coordinate of the p1- price offer curve against p1 is the ordinary demand curve for commodity 1.通过价格与商品需求之间的关系来定义普通商品和吉芬商品 Inverse demand curve (反需求函数) Income changes Income offer curve (收入提供曲线) Engel curve (恩格尔曲线) 通过收入与商品需


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