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大一上英语笔记整理 【the first class】 shape your character 形成你的品格 kill your wills and dull your wisdom accumulate 积累 a thin smile 一个浅浅的笑容 With the reports in hand,his face was beaming with satisfaction.His face was brightenes. 拿着成绩单他的脸露出满意的笑容。 When I read your message,tears streamed down my checks. 当我得知你的消息的时候泪水沿着我的脸颊流下。 2011.9.19 dumb luck 坏运气?good luck 好运气 I don’t have any pleasant association with English. 我对英语一点兴趣都没有 In China,academic success is always associated with student’s grade. 在中国,学业的成功总是与学生的成绩挂钩 Life doesn’t always turn out as you expect. 生活不是总呈现出你所期待的那样 put off 把…放在一边 eg:Your principle is first come, first serve.Why do you put me off? 2011.9.22 【writing for myself】proper=decent adj. 正经的,古板的 rigid(unchangeable)=precise adj.古板的,一成不变的 prim country adj. tedious=boring adj.乏味的,枯燥的(eg:a meeting)tackle v.处理,应付(=deal with)contempt n.轻视 ridicule n.嘲讽 eg:Drop the tone of contempt and ridicule when addressing me. scorn=despise=look down upon v.轻视 hold back 阻碍 eg1:Your laziness and hot temper hold you back. eg2:Having held back my tears,I continued to narrate(narrate =tell诉说) my bitter stories. eg3:Held back,tears were revolving(打转) around the rims(眶) of my eyes. Drop your airs(姿态). 放下你的架子 用短语表示“当…的时候” eg1:I felt a pain in my heart at the sight of(当看到) her haggard(憔悴的) face. eg2:My heart sank deeply at the knowledge that(当得知) he had betrayed me. 当表达混合的复杂情感时 feel a mixture of A and B 2011.9.26 Your requirements are beyond my reach. 你们的要求我接受不了 exceed v.过于→excessive adj.过分的 eg:supply exceeds demand 供过于求 distress n.疼痛,伤痛(心理的) eg:feel distressed as much… as “…”应该是名词或者名词短语 eg:The essence(本质,精髓) of education is to give as much positive influence as possible. ever-adj 永久的-adj eg1:ever-lasting/permanent friendship 永恒的友谊 eg2:ever-green tree 长青的树 wind v.蜿蜒的,曲折的 /waind/ eg:a winding path a strong wind whistle(吹口哨) through 一阵狂风呼啸而来 drag through home 疲惫地回到家 form a sharp contrast 形成一个鲜明的对比 摆除习惯(彻底铲除)的三种表达 roat


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