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Last Session 2011-12-23 当前经济形势口译  当前,世界经济形势值得我们高度关注,一些主要经济体经济增速下滑,一些国家主权债务问题突出,国际金融市场动荡不已,新兴市场国家通胀压力仍然较大,各种形式的保护主义愈演愈烈,西亚北非局势持续动荡,极端气候和自然灾害频发也给世界经济带来负面影响,世界经济复苏的不稳定性不确定性突出,风险挑战增多。 2008年国际金融危机发生以来的种种情况表明,我们面对的不是一场单纯的经济金融危机,这场危机暴露出若干体制机制、政策理念、发展方式的弊端。世界经济发展正处在何去何从的十字路口,全球经济治理正面临十分艰巨的任务,需要我们登高望远,超越具体分歧,超越一时得失,共同探索走出危机、实现发展的正确途径。The current world economic situation deserves our high attention. Some major economies are experiencing economic slowdown, and some countries are facing acute sovereign debt problems. Volatility in the international financial markets persists. High inflationary pressure confronts emerging markets. Protectionism in various forms is mounting. The continuing turbulence in west Asia and north Africa as well as extreme weather conditions and frequent natural disasters have also exerted negative impact on the world economy. As a result, the global economic recovery is fraught with instability and uncertainty and encounters growing risks and challenges. What has happened since the outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008 shows that we are facing not just an economic and financial crisis. It is a crisis that has exposed certain deficiencies in the existing institutions and mechanisms, policies and approaches, and ways of development. The world economy is now at a crossroads and global economic governance faces arduous tasks. It is imperative that we stand on a higher plane, transcend differences on specific issues, move beyond short-term considerations, and jointly seek ways to overcome the crisis and sustain development. 中国入世十周年口译  今年是中国加入世贸组织10周年。10年来,中国经济发展实现了新的跨越,对世界经济增长的贡献日益增大。10年来,中国平均关税水平从15.3%降至9.8%,达到并超过了世贸组织对发展中国家的要求。10年来,中国总计从海外进口达8.5万亿美元,为各国发展提供了广阔市场。特别是国际金融危机发生以来,一方面,中国积极应对内外各种挑战,努力保持自身经济强劲增长、为地区和世界经济复苏增添动力;另一方面,中国对国际金融机构大幅增资,向发展中国家伸出援手,从发达国家增购债券,为促进有关国家经济社会发展、稳定国际经济金融形势作出了贡献。今后5年中国进口总规模有望超过8万亿美元,这将是中国对世界经济的重大贡献。 This year marks the tenth anniversary of Chinas accession to the WTO. In the past ten years, Chinas economy has ma


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