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售台武器 sell weapons to Taiwan 严重损害中国利益和中美关系 undermine Chinas interest and Sino-US relations “爱国者-3”反导系统 Patriot III anti-missile system “E-2T”预警机升级系统 E-2T airborne early warning aircraft upgrade system “阿帕奇”直升机 Apache helicopters 鱼叉导弹 harpoon 扫雷艇 minesweeper  黑鹰直升机 black hawk helicopter 洲际导弹 intercontinental missile 不顾中方一再严正交涉 in disregard of Chinas repeated solemn representations 召见美国驻华使馆临时代办 summon the Charge dAffaires of the U.S. Embassy in China 提出强烈抗议 raise strong protest to 切实履行坚持一个中国政策 earnestly honor its commitment to abiding by the one-China policy 明确和坚定不移的立场 clear and consistent position 严重违反原则 a serious violation of the principles 粗暴干涉中国内政 gross interference in Chinas internal affairs 危害中国国家安全 undermine Chinas national security 表示强烈愤慨 respond with strong indignation 维护国家主权和领土完整 safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity 两岸关系和平发展制造干扰和障碍 create disturbance and obstacles to the peaceful development of the cross-Strait relations 反对 “台独” oppose Taiwan independence The Speech at the Celebrations for the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Peoples Republic of China 60周年 the 60th anniversary 党中央 the CPC Central Committee 全国人大 the National People’s Congress 中国人民政治协商会议 the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference 国务院 the State Council 中央军委 the Central Military Commission 表示深切怀念 pay tribute to 革命先辈和烈士 the revolutionary pioneers of older generations and martyrs 海内外爱国同胞 patriotic compatriots from home and abroad 浴血奋战 blooded struggle 进入了… … 的新纪元 begin a new page of 以……为核心 make… as a core 同心同德、艰苦奋斗 join hands to overcome the great hardship 坚定不移坚持中国特色社会主义道路 unswervingly follow our path on socialism with Chinese characteristics 解放思想 emancipate our thoughts 和平统一 peaceful reunification 海峡两岸关系 cross-strait relation 和平共处五项原则 The Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence 国内生产总值 GDP 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves 进出口总额 total foreign trade volume 同比增长 representing an increase of … over the same period of last year 通货膨胀 inflation 找出一个平衡


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