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哈尔滨市主要单位、职务英译名参考 单位名称 一、中共哈尔滨市委员会 CPC Harbin Committee 中共哈尔滨市委办公厅 General Office, CPC Harbin Committee 中共哈尔滨市委组织部 Organization Department, CPC Harbin Committee 中共哈尔滨市委宣传部 Publicity Department, CPC Harbin Committee 哈尔滨市文明办 Harbin Ethics Promotion Office 中共哈尔滨市委外宣办 International Publicity Office, CPC Harbin Committee 中共哈尔滨市委《学理论》杂志社 Journal of Theory Learning , CPC Harbin Committee 中共哈尔滨市委统战部 United Front Work Department, CPC Harbin Committee 中共哈尔滨市委台湾工作办公室 Taiwan Affairs Office, CPC Harbin Committee 中共哈尔滨市委政法委 Political and Judiciary Commission, CPC Harbin Committee 中共哈尔滨市委政策研究室 Policy Research Office, CPC Harbin Committee 哈尔滨市直机关工委 Work Committee for Offices Directly under Harbin Municipal Government 中共哈尔滨市委老干部局 Retired Senior Officials Affairs Bureau, CPC Harbin Committee 中共哈尔滨市委党校 Party School, CPC Harbin Committee 中共哈尔滨市委党史研究室 Party History Study Office, CPC Harbin Committee 哈尔滨市开发研究咨询委员会 Harbin Development Research and Consultation Committee 中共哈尔滨市纪律检查委员会 Commission for Discipline Inspection, CPC Harbin Committee 中共哈尔滨市纪委办公厅 General office of Commission for Discipline Inspection, CPC Harbin Committee 二、哈尔滨市人大常委会 Standing Committee of Harbin People’s Congress 哈尔滨市人大常委会办公厅 General Office, Standing Committee of Harbin People’s Congress 哈尔滨市人大常委会法制委员会 Legislative Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin People’s Congress 哈尔滨市人大常委会财经委员会 Financial and Economic Affairs Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin People’s Congress 哈尔滨市人大常委会内务司法委员会 Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin People’s Congress 哈尔滨市人大常委会教科文卫委员会 Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin People’s Congress 哈尔滨市人大常委会城建环保委员会 Urban Rural Construction and Environmental Protection committee, Standing Committee of Harbin People’s Congress 哈尔滨市人大常委会农林委员会 Agriculture and Forestry Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin People’s Congress 哈尔滨市人大常委会民宗侨外委员会 Ethnic, Religious, Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs Committee, Standing Com


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