
学术英语unit6 “临终关怀”相关知识、文章缩写版与文章大概.doc

学术英语unit6 “临终关怀”相关知识、文章缩写版与文章大概.doc

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学术英语unit6 “临终关怀”相关知识、文章缩写版与文章大概

首先介绍,在生命尽头的关爱有几种形式? Asked where they would like to spend their last days, most people always say at home, surrounded by people they love. In real life, though, only one in five achieves that. More than 30% die in a nursing home, where almost no one wants to be, and over half end up in a hospital, often in an intensive-care unit, heavily sedated and attached to life-saving equipment until their doctors give up the battle. 【参考资料:有at hospitals and nursing homes,有at home,有hospice(临终关怀服务)。】 然后开始重点阐述“临终关怀”: 一、什么是“临终关怀”服务 的 对象目的? Hospice care is a system of care that helps those with an incurable illness(对象) to focus on making the most of whatever time is left(目的). They offer a range of support, often alongside active treatment for an illness. The focus of modern hospice care is on helping people to live well until they die. Dying in a hospice care can bring families(对象) peace and allow a closeness which isnt always possible at home. 【参考资料:临终关怀(palliative care = hospice care = terminal care)并非是一种治愈疗法,而是一种专注于在患者在将要逝世前的几个星期甚至几个月的时间内,减轻其疾病的症状、延缓疾病发展的医疗护理。临终关怀是近代医学领域中新兴的一门边缘性交叉学科,是社会的需求和人类文明发展的标志。】 “临终关怀”具体有什么服务? physical care: improving respiratory function(改善呼吸)——using respirator; alleviating pain(止痛)——pain killer(eg: morphine , dolantin),music therapy,massage, acupuncture and moxibustion …… diet supplement(补充营养) keeping comfortable positions、warm、clean bodies(舒适体位、保温、清洁) mental care: 临终患者可能有这些情绪:melancholy,angry,self-denial,临终关怀工作者要“态度真诚,用爱心、耐心教育引导患者,缓解他们的压力,尽量实现患者为完成的愿望尊重患者,以及陪伴ta。 spirituality care: For patients who have religious faith,spiritual workers can help them find relief in religious instruction,such as immortal,paradise…… 【参考资料:(一)身关怀:透过医护人员及家属之照顾减轻病痛,再配 合天然健康饮食提升身体能量。 (二)心关怀:透过理念之建立减轻恐惧、不安、焦虑、埋 怨、牵挂等心理,令其安心、宽心、并对未来世界(指死后)充满希望及信心。 (三)道业关怀(或灵性关怀):回顾人生寻求生命意义或多半透过宗教学说及方式建立生命价值观,如永生、升天堂、往西方极乐世界等。】 进入“临终关怀”的条件、团队组成、资金来源: (1)条件:在美国,必须两位医生判定患者自然病程只有6个月以下; (2)团队组成:doctor、nurse、social worker、counselor、therapist、spiritual advisor、trained volunteer。 (3)资金来源:privat


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