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6条件关系的写法 I. 表达条件及条件关系:if / the more…, the more.., / no matter / unless 介词及词组: with / without / under [in]… conditions / under the condition of 动词及词组: set [lay down] conditions / meet [satisfy / fulfill] a condition 名词及词组: living [working; good; terrible; whether; cold; icy; windy; normal; difficult; financial; hygienic] conditions / physical [mental] condition (注意:表示身体条件,不用复数) 例句: 在碳水化合物提供热量不足的情况下,蛋白质和脂肪将首先被消耗以提供热量。If carbohydrate cannot provide enough calories, protein and fat will be first used to provide calories. If the calories provided by carbohydrate is insufficient, protein and fat will be first consumed to supplement calories. 只有均衡营养素,小儿才能正常发育和健康。Only under the condition of balanced nutrition can children grow normally and healthily. (句首是only引导的状语,主句的谓语动词倒装。) Only with balanced nutrition can children grow normally and healthily. (句首是only引导的状语,主句的谓语动词倒装。) 没有大学生的正确认识和主动参与,学校的心理咨询不能充分发挥作用。Without correct understanding and active participation of college students, the mental consultation in colleges cannot play its full role. Unless college students understand and take part in it, the mental consultation in colleges cannot play its full role. [unless 等于if …not] If college students do not understand or take part in it, the mental consultation in colleges cannot play its full role. 忽视人的心理社会背景,怎能实现医学的最终目的?If the mental and social factors of people are ignored [overlooked], how can the final goal of medicine be achieved [fulfilled]? Without much attention to people’s mental and social backgrounds, how can the final goal of medicine be achieved [fulfilled]? 随着社会的发展,影响人类健康的因素及医学模式也都有所改变。With the development of society, factors that affect people’s health and modes of medicine are changing. 未来,谁掌握了健康教育,谁就掌握了自己的健康和命运。In the future, who master health education who master their health and fate. [wrong] In the future, if you do well in health education, you can control your health and fate. In the future, whoever grasps [masters] health education controls his or her heal


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