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1. 手机刷新了人与人的关系。会议室门口通常贴着一条通告:请与会者关闭手机。可是会议室里的手机铃声仍然响成一片。我们都是普通人,并没有多少重要的事情。尽管如此,我们也不会轻易关掉手机。打开手机象征我们与这个世界的联系。手机反映出我们的社交饥渴症。最为常见的是,一个人走着走着突然停下来,眼睛盯着手机屏幕发短信。他不在乎停在马路中央还是厕所旁边。? Few things have changed human relations as much as the cell phone has. It so happens that we often see a notice on a door to a conference room, Please keep your cell phone off when a meeting is in session. We still, however, always hear the beeps resounding throughout the chamber. We are therefore reluctant to turn it off, although few of us are VIPs, or those who have many urgencies to take immediate care of. The prevalence of using the cell phone today reflects our thirst for socialization and symbolizes a connection between us and the outside world. So we often notice such a picture: a pedestrian, all of sudden, stops, his eyes fixed on the phone screen, to edit his messages, oblivious of all other things. Whether being on the road center or beside a toilet does not seem to bother him. 4. 中华民族文化历史悠久,起源很早,内容极为丰富,是东方文明的主要组成部分,早在上古时期就已是人类文化的一个独立典型。在物质文化方面,中国的“四大发明”曾经改变世界历史的进程。在精神文明方面,“以人为本”的人格价值思想和“和为贵”的和平与发展的思想,对世界文化解决个人与社会、人与自然、道德与生命的根本关系做出了杰出的贡献。 As an important component of Oriental civilization, the Chinese culture is rich and well-established with a long history, distinguished from ancient times by its characteristics in human culture. With respect to its material culture, China’s “four inventions”, namely, gunpowder, printing, the compass and papermaking, have influenced the process of world history. With respect to ethical culture, the ideas of “people come first” (for human dignity) and “harmony prevails over all”// “conciliation is invaluable” (for the peace and development) have made great contributions to the world’s culture, dealing well with the fundamental relationships between individuals and society, man and nature, and morality and life. 7 人自孩提时代起,求学、谋职、恋爱、成家、立业、功名、财富……几乎无时不在追求,而且总也不能满足。当然,事业上的追求与物欲上的贪婪,是两种截然不同的人生观,或可说是两种内涵迥异的苦乐观。但有一点是共同的,即人生的道路并非平坦的康庄大道,事物的发展往往不以人的意志为转移。与其陶醉在


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