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Drinking tea has a number of health benefits. Now, add one more to the list — a cup of the beverage a day can help slash the risk of developing cancer by shrinking tumors, say researchers.
Previous research has already linked teas healthy antioxidant properties and high flavonoid content to cutting the risk of some cancers as well as heart disease.
Now, a new study has shown that black tea could help prevent cancer. In the study, US researchers analyzed the compound theaflavin-2 (TF-2), found only in black tea and oolong Chinese tea, which has been shown to kill cancer cells.
The study explored how TF-2 induced cancer cell death and found that it caused such cells to shrink within three hours. When the researchers looked at a specific set of genes that kill cancer cells, TF-2 was found to activate the genes.
The study also showed that TF-2 can suppress the activity of a gene that sparks an inflammatory enzyme known as COX2 while also reducing the activity of other inflammatory molecules, the “Daily Express” reported.
英国《每日快报》报道,研究还发现TF-2能抑制一种基因的活动,这种基因可激发一种已知名为C O X 2的酶,同时TF-2还能降低其他炎性分子的活动。
Tim Bond of the Tea Advisory Panel in the UK said: (The study) has demonstrated that components of black tea can help shrink and kill cancer cells and/or result in helping to reduce the number of tumors.
二、研究表明:乙肝妈妈可以放心进行母乳喂养 Breast-feeding is ok for hepatitis B moms
Mothers with hepatitis B are not more likely to infect their newborn by breast-feeding so long as their child has been properly vaccinated for the disease, a new study by Fudan University suggests.
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