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Unit 1 一、单词拼写 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。 1.Many students want to find p_______________ jobs in their spare time. 2.3.The song r________ me of my old friends. 4.—What’s the k_______ to your success? -- Years of hard work. 5.The teacher always asks the students to find out the k________ words when they do the reading. 6.To a_______ failing in the exam again, he worked harder. 7.It’s polite to offer(提供) seats to e____ and kids. 8.In many Western countries, people like standing c__________ to each other to show their respect. 9. It is not polite to s________ at others. 10.Since she is always hard-working, it’s r_______ for her to pass the exam easily. 11.Mother is very a____________ because little Bob hasn’t returned home yet. 12.Would you please r__________ your telephone number? I didn’t get it just now. 13.Standing alone at the centre of the large s_________, Mike was nervous and forgot what to say. 二、完成句子: 1.芭蕾舞演员经常用脚尖跳舞。 Ballet dancers often _____ _____________ ______________. 2.因为想减肥,我对吃的东西很小心。 I _____ __________ __________ the food she eats because she wants to lose weight. 3.模特要有一定的身高和体形。 Models have to __ __________ a certain _________ __________ _________. 4.大部分小学生上课都能坐直身体。 Most pupils can ___ ___________ __________ in class. 5.这只黑猩猩骄傲得翘起下巴来了。 The chimpanzee feels proud to _____ __________ __________ __________. 6.谢谢你提醒我关于会议的事。 Thank you for ________ __________ __________ the meeting. 7.我喜欢果胜过于茶。 I ______ fruit juice _________ tea. 8.老师让西蒙抬起头来认真听课。 The teacher asked Simon to ______ his head __________ and listen to the lesson carefully. 9.当我不舒服时,我经常找医生帮忙。 I often ___ ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ when I feel 10.这是问题的关键. It is ___ _________ _________ the problem. 11.盯着别人是不礼貌的. _______ _________ others __________ impolite. 12.在西方国家,交谈时目光交流是必要的. In western countries, _____ ___________ __________ is necessary when talking. 13.事实上,身体语言也是很重要的. __ ________ _________ ________ _______, body languag


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