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CHINADAILYnbsp;早报nbsp;8.12 【Highlights】 2.5-day weekend encouraged国务院鼓励两天半短假 Immoral songs blacklisted120首网络音乐入黑名单 Xiaomi ties up with Foxconn小米富士康印度造手机 Sydney has a $1M carp!悉尼重金悬赏鲤鱼垂钓 Dad lets daughter die奇葩父亲放任女儿溺死 Car-in-a-bag unveiled可放包里的代步车(图) Internet addiction sickens沉迷上网的人更易感冒 【Top News】 2.5-day weekend encouraged国务院鼓励两天半短假 Employers in China are encouraged to give employees flexiblework and rest time to promote travel investment and consumption,according to several suggestions released Tuesday by the GeneralOffice of the State Council. If applicable, companies andinstitutions can provide a two-and-half day long weekend – withFriday afternoon included - in summer, for employees to go out andtake pleasure trips, the office said. 11日,国务院办公厅发布《关于进一步促进旅游投资和消费的若干意见》,鼓励弹性作息。意见称,有条件的地方和单位可根据实际情况,调整夏季作息安排,为职工周五下午与周末结合外出休闲度假创造有利条件。(中国政府网) Immoral songs blacklisted 120首网络音乐入黑名单 The Ministry of Culture Monday released a blacklist of 120songs that trumpeted obscenity, violence and crime or harmedsocial morality, and ordered website administrators to remove themfrom their sites. Titles such as Beijing Hooligans, Dont Wantto Go to School and Suicide Diary, are among the banned songsdescribed as having severely problematic content, which violatedan online cultural management regulation, according to a ministrystatement. The ministry promised severe punishment for those whofailed to comply with the take-down notice, adding that the listwill be regularly updated. 文化部10日公布了包含120首歌曲的黑名单,因为这些歌曲含有宣扬淫秽、暴力、教唆犯罪或者危害社会公德的内容,要求互联网管理单位对这些歌曲进行下架处理。文化部的声明指出,《北京混子》、《不想上学》、《自杀日记》等音乐内容存在严重问题,违反了网络文化管理相关规定。文化部称,凡未能遵守下架通知的,将从严查处,并表示将定期更新这份歌曲黑名单。(中国日报)? Xiaomi ties up with Foxconn小米富士康印度造手机 Chinas smartphone maker Xiaomi Inc has joined forces withtech giant Foxconn to start assembling phones in India, seeking tocut costs and grab a bigger slice of the worlds third-largestsmartphone market. The assembly line in Andhra Pradesh in SouthIndia will roll out Xiaomis first locally made smartphon


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