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1 7 1 1 V ol. 17No. 11 2 0 0 7 1 1 Ch ina Safety Sc ience Journal Nov . 2 0 0 7 * 赵晓妮 游旭群 教授 ( 陕西师范大学教育科学学院心理系, 西安 710062) : 620. 2099 : X949 : A :( 05JJDXLX 165) 结合国内外对航空安全文化定量和定性的研 结果, 定义了航空安全文化, 并阐述航空 安全文化的内涵, 介绍国内外航空安全文化研 的进展情况, 指出了国内外航空安全文化研 的差 距, 进而给出我国航空安全文化的研 方向目的在于使以后的研 越来越关注实证角度, 为从人 为因素角度加强航空安全提供可靠可信的数据支持, 提高飞行绩效, 创造安全飞行周期新记录, 最 终提高航空公司的经济及社会效益 安全文化; 航空安全文化; 内涵界定; 研 进展 Re earch and Developm ent ofA viation Safety Culture , P ro . ZHAO X iao-ni YOU Xu-qun (Departm ent of P ychology, College ofEducational Sc ience, ShanxiNorm alUniver ity, X ian 710062, Ch ina) Ab stract: By comb in ing the quantitative and qualitative re earch re u lt of av iation afety culture at hom e and abroad, the concept of av iation afety cu lture i defined and extended. The re earch and deve-l opm en t of av iation afety cu lture i introduced. The re earch gap on av iation afety culture betw een Ch ina and abroad i po inted out, and then the re earch d irection of aviation afety cu lture in Ch ina i g iven. The purpo e of thi tudy i to hope thatm ore concern can be paid to the dem on tration tudy of av iation afety cu lture and m ore reliable and credible data upport can be prov ided for av iation afety from the angle of hum an factor o a to mi prove flight perform ance, create new record of afety flight cycle and finally in- crea e the econom ic and ocial benef it of airline . K ey words: afety cu lture; av iation afety cu lture; definition of the connotation; re earch and developm ent



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