国际贸易 Ch.7 Promotion.ppt

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国际贸易 Ch.7 Promotion

CHAPTER 7 EXPORT PROMOTION AND OTHER POLICIES Export Subsidy and Production Subsidy Other Export Promotion Policies Export Restrictions and Import Promotion Policies Trade Sanctions 1. Export subsidy and its effects A payment by the government to encourage the export of specified products. 一国政府在商品出口时,给予出口厂商的现金补贴和财政上的优惠。目的在于降低出口商品的价格,加强其在国际市场上的竞争力。 (1) Direct export subsidy and indirct export subsidy Direct export subsidy: price subsidy and income subsidy Price subsidy: (i) Payment made against the exportvalue or quantum. (ii) Payment for the difference between the domestic price and the international market price of an export . Income subsidy: Payment for export losses. §1 Export Subsidy and Production Subsidy Indirect subsidy is intended to encourage a nation’s exports by reducing the price paid by foreigners. 主要是给予一些财政上的优惠。 Special tax exemptions such as export tax rebate and the provision of capital at favored rates, etc. 退还,减免税,免征出口税,提供信贷补贴和汇率补贴等。 Since 1985, China has adopted tax rebates for exporting enterprises. The central government pays back a certain proportion of the consumption taxes and value added tax (VAT增值税) to the enterprises after they pay taxes for exported goods. In 1994, China established the Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) to provide export seller’s credit (to Chinese exporters) and export buyer’s credit (to foreign importers) at rates lower than commercial rates. 出口补贴的影响 出口量不大,在国际市场上影响甚微的贸易小国,只是价格的接受者,出口补贴不会影响国际市场价格。 出口补贴的结果是:国内价格上涨,出口商品的生产扩大,国内消费减少,出口量增加。国内消费者也必须付出与生产者出口所能得到的一样的价格,才能确保一部分商品留在国内市场而不是全部出口。 Production subsidy 生产补贴 生产补贴是一国政府对企业生产的所有产品进行补贴。根据世贸组织的规定,除出口补贴以外的补贴都是生产补贴。 形式有直接的资助,税收减免,低利信贷等,也有间接地区域性支持。这些政策降低了出口企业的生产成本,提高其出口竞争力,从而促进出口。 生产补贴是按生产进行补贴而不是按市场销售补贴,其不影响国内市场价格,从而没有在增加出口的同时牺牲国内消费者的利益。 §2 Other Export Promotion Policies Devaluation of home currency 国内货币贬值 An official low


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