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* The ACS is chartered by the U.S Congress, and CAS’s goal to serve the scientific information needs of both industry and academia is a key component of that charter. We offer specially tailored information services to universities for educational purposes, and these come with discounts of as much as 90% off the full commercial prices. In this way, over the years, CAS has contributed millions of dollars to support the education of tomorrow’s scientists. * Just as important as providing content is making this information accessible for the use of scientists and the information professionals who serve them. CAS has long been known for advanced systems that permit effective search and retrieval of information. We offer two major information services: CAS provides STN, which we operate in association with FIZ Karlsruhe in Germany. We also provide SciFinder, which CAS developed especially for the use of scientists for exploring databases for their own use. Science IP, our custom search service, staffed by a team of expert searchers with more than 250 years of combined searching experience * * SciFinder was introduced in 1995 to give scientists an intuitive, graphical interface to CAS databases. It was an immediate hit with scientists, because they needed little or no training to begin getting useful answers to subject and substance queries. Today SciFinder is very much part of the process of scientists’ daily work around the globe. This product has been continuously enhanced, most recently in august 2010. SciFinder is used by more than 1,700 PHD, MS and BS degree-granting institutions worldwide. * * * * As you probably know, CAS reached the 50-million molecule milestone just one year ago. * Begun in the early 1960s, the CAS REGISTRY has, in the last six years (2003-2009), more than doubled the number of small molecules in its collection, reflecting the disclosures of new small molecules by authors, patent inventors, and chemical catalogs, regardless of publicat


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