
《国际货代》教学与考试大纲 - 厦门华天涉外职业技术学院中国高等.doc

《国际货代》教学与考试大纲 - 厦门华天涉外职业技术学院中国高等.doc

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《国际货代》教学与考试大纲 - 厦门华天涉外职业技术学院中国高等

《国际货运代理专业英语》教学大纲 一、课程基本情况 开课单位:华天学院外语系商务英语专业 课程类型:专业主干课 总 学 时:72 总 学 分:4 修课方式:必修 考核方式:考试+考证 先修课程:国际贸易实务、外贸函电、国际货代理论与实务等。 教 材:《国际货运代理专业英语》中国国际货代协会编 中国商务出版社 2009 参考书目:相关内容的参考书,由授课教师定。 二、课程的性质、任务与目的 本课程是商务英语专业必修课,本课程主要学习国际货运代理专业英语。学生学后可以参加由中国国际货运代理协会CIFA实施的资格考试,获取从业资格证书。此课程有一定的难度,但本专业已设置的前导课程有:《国际货代理论与实务》,对学生学好这门课已打下一定的专业知识基础。 通过学习使学生掌握国际货运代理中常用的专业英语。 本学期主要进行国际货代专业英语的学习,并通过在实习和实践,加深对专业英语的理解和掌握。 三、课程内容、基本要求与学时分配 Unit One International Trade Basic requirements: To understand:The definition of international trade To be familiar with:New Words and Expressions To grasp:Steps of International trade Test: 1. Steps of International trade 2. New Words and Expressions Unit Two Scope of Freight Forwarding Services Basic requirements: To understand:The freight forwarder’s original duty To be familiar with:New Words and Expressions To grasp:Scope of the forwarders’ services on behalf of the exporter Test: 1. Scope of the forwarders’ services on behalf of the consignor 2. Scope of the forwarders’ services on behalf of the consignee 3. New Words and Expressions Unit Three Incoterms 2000 Basic requirements: To understand: purpose of Incoterms To be familiar with:New Words and Expressions To grasp: FOB, CFR, CIF, FCA, CPT and CIP Test: FOB, CFR, CIF, FCA, CPT and CIP FOB—Free on board CFR—Cost and freight CIF—Cost, insurance and freight FCA—Free carrier CPT—Carriage paid to CIP—Carriage and insurance paid to New Words and Expressions Unit Four UCP 600 Basic requirements: To understand:UCP 600 To be familiar with:Reasons for a revision To grasp:major changes in the UCP600 Test: 1. The structure of the UCP600 2. Major changes in the UCP 600 Unit Five Terms of Shipment in the Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Basic requirements: To understand:Terms of Shipment To be familiar with:New Words and Expressions and ways of stipulating time of shipment To grasp:Interpretation of terms and points of the time of shipment in the contract Test: 1. Time of Shipment 2


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