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二零零六年业绩公布 二零零七年四月十九日 重组回顾 二零零六年备考财务表现 二零零六年业务回顾与分析 前景和展望 1.重组回顾 打造中粮集团旗下品牌食品消费品和大宗农产品加工两大旗舰上市公司 使本公司的战略更为清晰、管理更为专业、为股东创造更大的价值 将中粮国际发展成中国品牌食品领袖企业 2.二零零六年备考财务表现 3.二零零六年业务回顾 渠道——拥有高素质的市场策划及营销团队,以及 覆盖全中国的销售网络 品牌——拥有一批在中国家喻戶晓的消費品知名品 牌 创新——拥有自主研发能力和产品创新的能力 管理——拥有一支专业的管理团队 4.前景和展望 品牌的统一、协同、推广、延伸 营销渠道和网络的整合与共享 新产品的研发与新业务的拓展 原料采购、生产与物流设施的共享与协同 统一的财务管理、客户关系、以及共同的企业文化等 确立和不断审阅公司长期的发展战略规划 完善公司治理结构,加强团队建设,建立有效的激励机制,增强公司控制力 进一步提高公司透明度,完善与投资者的沟通机制 以股东利益最大化为原则,提高公司整体盈利水平,使中粮国际成为中国食品行业具有领导地位的综合性品牌食品运营商 前景和展望 * 中国粮油国际有限公司(0506,HK) Disclaimer The slides?herein are prepared by COFCO International Limited (the Company) solely to be used as a support for oral discussions of its?annual results for the year 2006. They may not be distributed,?reproduced or re-distributed or passed on, directly or indirectly, to any person, in whole or in part, for any purpose. By participating in?this presentation, you?agree to be bound by the forgoing restrictions. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of applicable laws and regulations. ? The information contained in this presentation does not constitute or form part of any offer for sale or subscription of or solicitation or invitation of any offer to buy or subscribe for any securities nor shall it or any part of it form the basis for or be relied on in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. ? This presentation may contain forward-looking statements. Prospective investors are cautioned that actual results may differ materially from those set forth in any forward-looking statements herein. ? The information contained in these slides herein has not been independently verified. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to, and?no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of any?information or opinion contained herein. The information contained in these slides should be considered in the c


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