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山东省高等教育自学考试毕业论文封面市地:年月日专业姓名联系电话准考证号通讯地址邮编261500论文题目手机制造企业品牌发展战略问题与对策分析论文页数11指导老师指导教师评估签名评审意见签名答辩评语签名毕业论文考核成绩主考院校盖章年月日手机制造企业品牌发展战略问题与对策分析摘要伴随着信息化时代的到来,全球经济一体化格局的大背景下,移动互联网和通信技术得到迅猛发展,致使智能手机市场的格局也在不断地发生变化。此外随着数据通信与多媒体业务需求的发展,适应移动数据、移动计算及移动多媒体运作需要的第四代移动通信开始兴起,这种第四代移动通信技术给人们带来更加美好的未来。在次大环境下智能手机越来越普及,中国有13亿多人口,智能手机的需求量非常巨大,这是国产品牌手机厂商发展的绝佳机会。但近几年国产手机由于缺乏核心技术、同质化现象严重等问题,国产手机的市场份额从2004年开始全线下滑。与此形成鲜明对照的是,主要国际品牌苹果、三星等却高歌猛进,灵活地进行渠道改革和产品线调整,使本土手机的生存环境更是愈加艰难。事实告诉我们,中国手机市场的竞争正由单纯的产品竞争向营销综合能力的方向发展。创建强势品牌是企业获得巨大的无形资产和可持续发展的有力保证,是企业综合营销能力的集中体现而品牌形象对于创建强势品牌具有非常关键的核心作用。关键词:信息化;国产手机;品牌发展战略;品牌营销ABSTRACTWith the arrival of information age, under the background of global economic integration pattern, mobile Internet and communication technology rapid development, led to the pattern of the smart phone market is in constant change. In addition, with the development of data communication and multimedia business requirements, adapt to the mobile data, mobile computing and mobile multimedia operation to the fourth generation mobile communication began to rise, the fourth generation mobile communication technology bring people a better future. Under The Times environment becomes more and more popular smart phone, China has a population of more than 1.3 billion, the demand of smart phone is very big, this is the perfect opportunity to sunny vendor development. But in recent years, domestic mobile phone because of the lack of core technology, Homogeneity phenomenon serious problems, such as domestic handset market share down across since 2004. In contrast, the main international brands such as APPLE, SAMSUNG has forged ahead, flexible product line of channel reform and adjustments, the living conditions of the domestic mobile phone is more and more difficult. The fact tells us that Chinas mobile phone market competition is from a mere product competition to the 再direction of marketing comprehensive ability. Create a strong brand is the intangible asset of an enterprise a huge and powerful guarant


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