
人工智能经典题目-Who has the Fish-参加会议-男孩女孩-任课课程-谋杀-骗子-谁是倒霉者-过河问题-八皇后问题---.doc

人工智能经典题目-Who has the Fish-参加会议-男孩女孩-任课课程-谋杀-骗子-谁是倒霉者-过河问题-八皇后问题---.doc

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人工智能经典题目-Who has the Fish-参加会议-男孩女孩-任课课程-谋杀-骗子-谁是倒霉者-过河问题-八皇后问题---

Einsteins riddle-- Who has the Fish? Einstein wrote this riddle last century and said that 98% of the world’s population would not be able to solve it. ? There are 5 houses that are each a different color. ? There is a person of a different nationality in each house. ? The 5 owners drink a certain drink. They each smoke a certain brand of cigarettes and also have a certain pet. No owner has the same pet, smokes the same brand of cigarettes nor drinks the same drink. ? The question is. “Who has the fish?” CLUES 1. The British man lives in the red house. 2. The Swedish man has a dog for a pet. 3. The Danish man drinks tea. 4. The green house is to the left of the white house. 5. The owner of the green house drinks coffee. 6. The person that smokes Pall Mall has a bird. 7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill. 8. The person that lives in the middle house drinks milk. 9. The Norwegian lives in the first house. 10. The person that smokes Blend, lives next to the one that has a cat. 11. The person that has a horse lives next to the one that smokes Dunhill. 12. The one that smokes Bluemaster drinks beer. 13. The German smokes Prince. 14. The Norwegian lives next to a blue house. 15. The person that smokes Blend, has a neighbour that drinks water. 以上是爱因斯坦在20世纪初出的这个谜语。他说世界上有98%的人答不出来。 参加会议 有人邀请A,B,C,D,E,F6个人参加一项会议,这6个人有些奇怪,因为他们有很多要求, 已知: 1.A,B两人至少有1人参加会议。 2.A,E,F3人中有2人参加会议。 3.B和C两人一致决定,要么两人都去,要么两人都不去。 4.A,D两人中只1人参加会议。 5.C,D两人中也只要1人参加会议。 6.如果D不去,那么E也决定不去。 那么最后究竟有哪几个人参加了会议呢? Answer: a,b,c,f参加了会议 男孩女孩 有一个大家庭,父母共养有A,B,C,D,E,F,G七个子女,这七个孩子的情况是这样的: 1.A有三个妹妹, 2.B有一个哥哥, 3.C是老三,她有两个妹妹, 4.D有两个弟弟, 5.E管前面两个叫姐姐, 6.F有个弟弟。 从以上的情况,呢知道这七个孩子中哪几个是女孩,哪几个是男孩? 从大到小: 1、A 男 2、B 男 3、C 女 4、D 女 5、E 女 6、F 男 7、G 男 任课课程 三位老师,李老师、向老师、崔老师,他们每人分别担任生物、物理、英语、体育、历史和数学六科中两门课程的教学工作。我们只知道以下信息:   1、物理教师和体育教师是邻居;   2、李老师在三人中年龄最小;   3、崔老师、生物教师和体育教师三个人经常一起从学校回家;   4、生物教师比数学教师年龄要大些;   5、假日里,英语教师、数学教师与李老师喜欢打排球。 你知道三位老师各担任哪两门课程的教学工作吗? 李老师教历史和体育,向老师教英语和生物, 崔


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