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《制浆原理与工程》英汉词汇对照 A Accepts : 良浆 Usable pulp that has passed the screening operation. Active alkali (AA): 活性碱 With respect to kraft white liquor, the amount of concentration of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) plus sodium sulphide (Na2S). Alkaline extraction :碱抽提 Bleaching stage (denotation E) for removal of lignin made potentially soluble by the previous acidic oxidizing stage and to reactivate the pulp to further oxidation. Main chemical applied: sodium hydroxide NaOH. Can be enhanced with oxygen (EO), hydrogen peroxide (EP) or both (EOP). Alkaline pulping : 碱法制浆 General term usually denoting the kraft process. However, the term is also applied to other high pH chemical pulping processes, such as soda or soda-oxygen pulping. AOX :可吸附有机卤化物 (Adsorbable organic halogen compounds) Collective term for the amount of chlorine bound in organic pollutants, contained in waste water for instance. ? B Back-pressure turbine : 背压式涡轮机 Steam turbine, from which the exhaust steam is not condensed, but is transported and utilized in an industrial process. Bagasse : 甘蔗 The crushed stalks of sugar cane after the sugar has been extracted. Can be used as a fibre source for nonwood pulping. Bamboo :竹 Giant wood grass that is used as a fibre source in nonwood pulping. Barking :剥皮 Removing bark from pulpwood prior to processing. Basis weight :定量 Weight per unit area of paper. Synonym: Grammage. Batch cooking :间歇蒸煮 Chemical pulping operation, in which a discrete quantity or batch of chips is individually processed. Batch digester :间歇蒸煮锅 Large pressure vessel (150...400 cubic meters) used for batchwise production of pulp. ? Black liquor :黑液 Spent cooking liquoThe pulp production depends on the number of batches (i.e. cooks) that are processed.r from a kraft cook, containing dissolved organic material and residual alkali compounds. Bleachability :漂白性能 Qualitative term used to describe the relative ease of which pulp can be bleached. Bleaching : 漂白 Chemically treating a pulp to alter the coloring matt


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