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Non-functional Testing Product testing Usability Testing Performance Testing Space Testing Reliability Testing Availability testing Portability Testing Organisational testing Delivery Testing Implementation Testing Standards Testing External Testing Interoperability Testing Ethical Testing Privacy Testing Safely Testing Configuration Testing * Performance Testing Timing Testing(時間測試) Response times and time to perform a function Stress Testing(壓力測試) Stress limits of system (maximum number of users, peak demands) Recovery Testing(回復測試) System’s response to presence of errors or loss of data * Tools for performance testing WAPT 4.0 / TestView /products/testview.asp AdventNet QEngine Web Performance Test tool /products/qengine/web-performance-test.html * Exercises 試完成第20張投影片(Bottom-up)及第22張投影片(top-down)全部測試的順序 請依照教學網站作業功能製作I/O Form 至教學網站下載testing plan進行system testing,需使用bugzilla進行bug report * From OOSE Chapter11 Testing * * 臨時帳號的密碼範圍1-6碼之間 相同之DATA會在同一區塊,所以測同一塊即可代表,因為partition了,所以要測試這此 * 去DB比對 寫基本資料 * Stress testing:給予一個數量而已 Volume testing:測試何時會報掉 Software Engineering for Digital Home Software Engineering for Digital Home Software Engineering for Digital Home 單元5:軟體測試與驗證 Outline Introduction Strategies Exercise * Testing To demonstrate to the developer and the customer that software meets its requirement (是否合乎需求) Testing is a fault detection technique that tries to create failures or erroneous states in a planned way.(Testing就是試著弄壞系統找出Bug) * Test Stubs Test Driver Test Stubs: If the function A you are testing calls another function B, then use a simplified version of function B, called a stub.(虛構的程式方法) Test driver – allows you to call a function and display its return values.(可以啟動你的程式,並驗證回傳結果) * int YourFunction(){ //呼叫其他程式 … … } YourFunction YourOtherFunction int YourOtherFunction() { return 1; } Test Stub int main() { //呼叫被測試程式 … //驗證結果 … } Test Driver YourFunction Software Lift Cycle * Software Life Cycle Development cycle Design



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