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GOOD MORNING Anta 安踏的竞争环境 Competitive Environment 主要的国际国内体育品牌 Key international and local sports brands 安踏的目标消费者 Target Consumer Common young people: The high school students who have heavy burden in study. The college students that pursue self-worth. The employees work hard and want to stand out oneday. 消费者的洞察 Consumer Insight They want to realise their dream,but have no opportunity. They believe that only the stronger can surpass the life and themselves. The sport spirit ---never give up---encourage them to insist on their dream and could satisfy their inner need. 安踏的品牌价值和个性Brand Values and Personality 坚韧 Tenacity 质朴 Natural 勇敢 Brave 进取 Enterprising 充满乐趣的 Joyful 年轻的, 充满朝气的 Young and vivacious 安踏品牌的消费者利益点Consumer Benefit 安踏品牌的支撑点Reason to Believe 安踏品牌的差异点Brand Difference 安踏的品牌精髓Brand Essence 安踏,炼自己 Anta, Forge Yourself 安踏主题电视广告ANTA Thematic TVC 公平篇 Fair Result 清晰定义了安踏品牌精神 Keep moving...... 在目标受众当中唤起了很大的共鸣,有些青少年甚至把其中的一些旁白记下来用作自己的座右铭 * 在运动中实现你心中的渴望 To achieve your desire through sport 安踏让你超越你自己 Anta makes you beyond yourself 物有所值的优质产品 Qualifies Products 专业体育运动品牌 Professional Sports Brand 以篮球运动为主的运动专家 Sports Expert who has strength in Basketball Field 比李宁更专业: 发现,培养,激励中国人自己的体育明星 (以篮球为主, 附带其他专业项目) More professional VS. Lining: To find, train and encourage Chinese own sports stars (mainly on Basketball, support by other sports) 比耐克,阿迪更中国: 给每一个中国青年磨练身体和意志的机会 More Chinese VS. Adidas Nike: Offer each of Chinese youth an opportunity to practice their physics and spirit 磨砺改变人生 Hardness changes life 每一次练习,都离梦想更近一步 Each time of the practice makes you one step closer to your dream 破茧成蝶,锤炼出真我 Break out of the cocoon, and turns into butterfly. Bring out the brilliance of your true self *
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