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Host: Hi, Im Anjali Rao, at the Hongkong cultural centre. 嗨,我是安姿丽 劳位于香港文化中心。My guest today is taking to the stage to conduct the Philharmonic Orchestra, 我今天的来宾将站上台指挥管弦乐团,but he’s better known as a pop superstar with millions of adoring fans right across Asia. 但他更为人知的是他流行乐超级巨星的身分,全亚洲有千百万爱慕的歌迷。He’s Wang Leehom and this is TalkAsia. 他是王力宏,欢迎收看《亚洲名人聊天室》。Classically trained and multi-talented, Wang Leehom is one of the Asias leading songwriters. 正规培训的多才多艺的王力宏是亚洲顶尖作曲者之一。Credited with revolutionizing Chinese language music. 他以华语音乐上的革新成绩著称。But hes more widely recognized like this. 但他更广为人知的还是象这样的表演。At the age of 32, US born singer, one of the few artists with real Pan-Asian appeal on the ten years of the top, 32岁美国出生的歌手,他跻身于少数几名风靡亚洲10年的顶级艺人之一。he sold some 15 million albums. 他的唱片达到1500万的销量,Blending RB with classical,soft chirm, tribal influence, he comes with music chinked out and continually evolved his styles. 混合蓝调音乐与古典音乐,以及部落音乐的影响,他创造出自己独特的音乐“chinked out发展自己的风格。His latest album feels move toward rock guitar music. 他的必威体育精装版专辑感觉向摇滚吉他音乐靠拢。He also recently started Ang Lees erotic thriller Lust caution. 最近他还开始在李安导演的情色惊险电影”色戒“中出演角色。Later in the show,we chat his progress debut on the new project---conducting a Philharmonic Orchestra, 在节目最后部分我们聊到了他必威体育精装版事业的进程——交响乐团指挥and following of footstep of Leonard Bernstein, a key influence. 他沿袭了莱昂纳多 伯恩斯坦的足迹,并受到他风格的关键性的影响。We first meet on the sidelines of a rehearsal. 我们首先在彩排的舞台旁见面。Now, you are a fabulously wealthy and much-loved star here in Asia. Do you ever have those days where you go, how did I get here? 你现在在亚洲是个收入可观又备受喜爱的明星。你是否曾经想过:我是怎么走到这一步的?I guess I ask myself, how do I. . . what do I do next. I guess. . . 我想我会自问,我怎么…我接下来要做什么。我想…I don’t spend that much time dwelling on, you know, the past, but I spend a lot of time thinking about what I want to do next. 我不会把那么多时间用在沉缅过去,而是花很多时间思考接下来要做什么。Like here we are in the cultural centre in Hongkong, go to Hongkong Philharmonic Orchestra, 譬如说现在,我们在香港文化中心,跟香港交响乐团一起。This is predict that


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