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第二章 第一题 //设线性表存储在数组A[1..arrsize]的前elenum个分量中,且递增有序。 //试编写一个算法:将x插入到线性表的适当位置上以保持线性表的有序性,并且分析算法的时间复杂度。 #include iostream #define LEN 100 using namespace std; class SqList { int *elem; int size; public: SqList(); int Insert(int x); void Show(); }; SqList::SqList() { size=0; elem = new int[LEN]; } int SqList::Insert(int x) { int i; if(size=LEN) return 0; for(i=size-1;i=0elem[i]=x;i--) elem[i+1]=elem[i]; elem[i+1]=x; size++; return 1; } void SqList::Show() { for(int i=0;isize;i++) cout elem[i] ; coutendl; } int main() { SqList a; int size,data,val; coutPlease input the size : ; cinsize; coutPlease input the number : ; for(int i=0;isize; i++) { cin data; if(!a.Insert(data)) cout Insert Fail, it is full! endl; } coutPlease input the number you want to Insert:; cinval; if(!a.Insert(val)) cout Insert Fail, it is full! endl; coutNow the number is as follow : ; a.Show(); return 0; } 第2题 //已知单链表L中的结点是按值非递减有序排列的,试编写一算法将值为X的结点插入到表L中,使得L仍然有序。 #include iostream using namespace std; typedef int T; struct LNode { T data; LNode *next; LNode(const T d=0,LNode *n=NULL):data(d),next(n){}; }; class LinkList { LNode *head; public: LinkList(); ~LinkList(); void Show(); void Insert(T x); }; LinkList::LinkList() { LNode *q; T x; head=NULL; coutPlease input the data from high to low (exit in 0) : endl; while(cinxx!=0) { q=new LNode(x); q-next=head; head=q; } } LinkList::~LinkList () { LNode *p; while(head!=NULL) { p=head; head=head-next ; delete p; } } void LinkList::Show () { LNode *p=head; while(p!=NULL) { coutp-data ; p=p-next ; } coutendl; } void LinkList::Insert (T x) { LNode *p=head,*q; if(p!=NULLp-data x) { q=new LNode(x); q-next =head; head=q; return; } while(p-nextp-next-datax) p=p-next; q=new LNode(x); q-next=p-next ; p-next=q; } int main() { T a; char flag=y; LinkList A; coutThe linlist is as follows : ; A.Show (); wh


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