高口 成语 翻译.doc

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高口 成语 翻译

高口里的成语(高口Lecture 8) 前程似锦/??bright future 言简意赅/??simple/ simply stated 突飞猛进/??advance rapidly 日新月异/??change quickly, change with each passing day 微不足道/??unimportant/ insignificant 停滞不前/??stopped/ be at a standstill 彷徨拖延/??delayed 默默无闻/??unknown/ un-honored 闭关锁国/??closed-door 恰当得体/??proper/ appropriate 任重道远/??there is a grand task to perform and a long way to go 一如既往/??as before/ as usual 扣人心弦/??exciting/ fabulous 身临其境/??personally on the scene/ action 身怀绝技/??excellent 无懈可击/??best/ terrific 价格从优/??favorable price 隔三差五/??frequently/ often 延年益寿/??prolong life 温厚儒雅/??tender-hearted and cultured 泾渭分明/??entirely different/ clear-cut 和睦共处/??live in harmony 谴词造句/??combine words to form phrases and sentences 推波助澜/??help promote/ add fuel to the fire 与日俱增/??growing/ increasing/ rising 急功近利/??eager for quick profits and success 声名显赫/??illustrious names/ eminent names 方兴未艾/??hasn’t run its full course/ to develop in full swing 自说自话/??act on one’s own 张弛有度/??loose and tight 为所欲为/??do as one wants/ abuse 放任自流/??hands-off (management) 独一无二/??unique 出师不捷/??fail 再接再厉/??make persistent efforts 司空见惯/??common/ not uncommon 一心一意/??single-minded/ undivided attention 不到黄河心不死/ ambition never dies 脱颖而出/??succeed 天资聪颖/??talented 自强不息/??constantly strive to become stronger/ persistent in self-development 前所未有/??unprecedented 与时俱进/??advance with the times 与众不同/??unique 微乎其微/? ?tiny/ small/ little 永无止境/? ?ever-improving/ no end/ no limit 错综复杂/? ?complex 同宗同源/? ?have the same root 形态各异/? ?different shapes and types 失之偏颇/? ?misleading/ not fair/ not quite right 命归黄泉/? ?be killed/ died 不尽一致/? ?varied from … to…/ not the same 自始自终/? ?all along 虎视眈眈/? ?menacing/ aggressive 百花齐放? ?varied from…/ different from… 1)? ? ? ? 全真题里的成语 彬彬有礼/ polite/ courtesy 不可或缺/ indispensable 日新月异/ change quickly/ change with each passing day 坚定不移/ firmly/ unswervingly/ steadily 趣味盎然/ interesting 油然而生/ come in one’s mind 丰富多彩/ colorful 宾至如归/ make the guests feel at home 流连忘返/ 乐不思蜀/ too delighted to feel homesick/ have no


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