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宾客接待管理制度The policy of entertaining Guests目的Purpose为规范公司的宾客接待管理,让每次的宾客接待工作能够有条不紊的开展,让来访宾客在我司有一个愉快的体验,以此更好地树立我司对外的公众形象和我司在公司心目中的美誉度;特制定本《宾客接待管理制度》。In order to standardize the management of entertaining guests, and make sure the entertaining job carried out in a good order, make sure the guest have a pleasant experience in our company, thus to improve our company’s image and our company’s reputation in guest’s heart. Herewith we made this The policy of entertaining Guests.适用范围Application scope本制度适用于公司所有的来访宾客. This policy is applicable to all the guests who visit our company.定义Definition宾客:所有来我司考察,访问,学习的客户,供应商,社会团体,政府官员等统称为宾客。Guests: All the visitors such as the customers, suppliers, social organization and government officers who come to our company for visiting, discussing business and studying.职责Obligations4.1,行政部负责宾客接待后勤工作如接机,会议室安排和布置,会议期间精美小吃安排,膳食安排,住宿安排,车辆安排等其他后勤工作。 The admin department responsible for providing the logistic work such as pick up the guests, arrange and decorating the conference room, arranging the snacks for meeting, foods arrangement and accommodation arrangement, car arrangement and other logistic work. 4.2,各相关部门负责按照本《宾客接待管理制度》按时提供《宾客接待申请》。 The concerned department responsible for submitting the Guests entertaining application according to The policy of entertaining guests规范执行Standardized implementation5.1,接待前准备;宾客接待由接待部门提前至少3天向行政部行政主任递交《宾客接待申请》,详细填写相关接待要求。 The preparation for pre-entertaining; the department responsible for entertaining should submit the Guest entertaining application to admin officer at least 3 days earlier, the reception department should fill in the application in details. 5.2, 后勤安排;在接到接待部门的申请后,行政部做相关后勤安排,如机票订购,接机车辆准备,鲜花预定,会议室布置,小吃准备;膳食安排,酒店预定,纪念品准备,送客车辆安排等。其中任何一项服务如果满足不了的,行政主任需提前2天告知申请部门,以便做相关变更。Logistic arrangement; after received the application from the reception department, the admin department should make the arrangement immediately, such as booking the air ticket, the car arrangement, booking the room in advance. Deco


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