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Unit1 Author and background John Ciardi American poet, editor, critic, author of books for children, nonfiction writer, and translator (of Dante’s The Divine Comedy: “The Inferno”, “The Purgatorio”, and “The Paradiso”). Text Analysis Theme : The author tries to clarify the purpose of a university: to put the students in touch with the best civilization that human race has created. Structure Part 1 (Paras. 1— 8 ): The writer describes his encounter with one of his students. Part 2 (Paras. 9-14 ): The author restates what he still believes to be the purpose of a university: putting its students in touch with the best civilizations the human race has created. Language points 1. accomplishment n. sth. completed successfully; an achievement Examples: a girl of many accomplishments 多才多艺的姑娘 Among her accomplishments were sewing, cooking, playing the piano and dancing. accomplish eg. accomplish one’s object 达到目的 ; accomplish one’s mission 完成使命 He can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class. 2. assume v. a. to take for granted; to suppose b. to take upon oneself Examples: They had assumed that prices would rise these days, but in fact they were wrong. assume responsibilities; assume another’s debts 3. certify v. to confirm formally as true, accurate, or genuine.;( to declare or state officially ,esp. in writing.) + that +sb./sth. as +sb./sth. to be Examples: The accounts were certified (as) correct. He was certified (as) insane. certified accountant 注册会计师 n. certification; a. certified 有书 面证明的,已证实的 4. exposev. a. to subject or allow to be subjected to an action or an influence 使受影响 b. to subject (a photographic film, for example) to the action of light 使曝光 c. to make known (sth. discreditable); to reveal (the guilt or wrongdoing of) 揭发(有损信誉的事);揭露(罪恶或错误的行为) Examples: The parents exposed their children to classical music at home. This film has been exposed. The crime of the


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