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衡荣杂粮系列产品中英双语简介 Brief Introduction to Heng Rong Series Miscellaneous Grains 衡荣有机苦荞面 衡荣有机面产自晋西北黄土高原味道纯正,品质优秀。 苦荞麦是谷类作物中唯一集七大营养素于一身的作物被誉为“五谷之王”,三降食品(降血压,降血糖,降血脂)。衡荣有机莜面(燕麦面) 衡荣有机莜面产自晋西北黄土高原,为传统工艺炒制而成,味道纯正,品质优秀。莜面中含有钙、磷、铁、核黄素等多种人体需要的营养元素和药物成份,可以预防糖尿病、冠心病、动脉硬化、高血压等多种疾病。同时莜面中含有一种特殊物质——亚油酸,它对于人体新陈代谢具有明显的功效。human body and medical ingredients, can prevent diabetes mellitus, coronary disease, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and other disease, meanwhile, oat flour contains a special substance-linoleic acid, which has a marked effectiveness on metabolism of human body. 衡荣有机豌豆面: Heng Rong organic garden pea flour 衡荣有机豆面是由纯豌豆磨制而成,尤其适合三高人群。豌豆中富含人体所需的各种营养物质,特别是含 有优质蛋白质,可以提高机体的抗病能力和康复能力。豌豆中富含胡萝卜素,食用后可防止人体致癌物质 的合成,降低人体癌症的发病率。豌豆中富含粗纤维,能促进大肠蠕动,保持大便能畅,起到清洁大肠的 作用。 Heng Rong organic garden pea flour is from pure garden pea by grinding, especially suited to three high people. Pea contain richly various nutrients needed by human body, in particular superior quality protein, which can improve anti-disease and recovery ability of human body. Pea contains richly carotene, which can prevent the production of blastomogen, and decrease the morbidity of cancer of human body. Pea also contains richly crude fiber, which can promote large intestine wriggle, keep one’s bowels open, and have the function of cleaning large intestine. 衡荣有机糯玉米糁 Heng Rong organic waxy corn grits 糯玉米籽粒含70~75%的淀粉,10%以上的蛋白质,4~5%的脂肪,2%的多种维生素,籽粒中蛋白质、VA、VB1、VB2均比稻米多,脂肪和VB2的含量最高衡荣玉米按照有机生态农业标准种植,加工出来的玉米保存了种子的精华营养成分胚芽和表皮。 Waxy corn grit contain 70-75% of starch, more than 10% of protein, 4-5% of fat, 2% of various vitamins, the contents of protein, VA, VB1, and VB2 are more than rice, and fat and Vb2 contents are the highest. Heng Rong organic corn is produced in accordance with the organic eco-agricultural standard, produced organic corn grit contains the superior nutrients of seed, i.e. germ and seed coat. 衡荣有机糯玉米面 糯玉米籽粒中含70—75﹪的淀粉,10﹪以上的蛋白质,4-5﹪的脂肪,2﹪多种维生素,籽粒中蛋白质,VA、VB1、VB2均比稻米多,脂肪和VB2的含量最高衡荣按照有机农业标准种植,加工出来的玉米面保存了种子的精华营养


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