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2015年人教版英语七年级下册Units1~12词组按课本顺序归纳总表(双语版)Unit 1请读熟记准记牢 Section A 1a-1c1.play the guitar 弹吉他2.want to do sth.想做某事.3.join the art club 加入美术俱乐部4.join the English club 加入英语俱乐部5.join the chess club 加入象棋俱乐部6.join the music club 加入音乐俱乐部7.join the swimming club 加入游泳俱乐部8.play chess 下象棋9.speak English 讲英语10.can do sth. 会做某事Section A 2a-2d1.what club 什么俱乐部2.join a sports club 加入一个运动俱乐部3.what sports 什么运动4.play soccer 踢足球5.join the soccer club 加入足球俱乐部6.what about…=how about怎么样…… 7.be good at sth/be good at doing sth…做得好8.join the story telling club加入讲故事俱乐部9.tell a story/tell stories 讲故事10.let’s do sth. 我们做某事吧。Section A 3a-3c1.speak Chinese 讲汉语2.play basketball 打篮球3.play tennis 打网球4.play volleyball 打排球5.write a story/write stories 写故事6.students wanted 招收学生7.want students for school show想要学生为学校表演8.talk to Mr.Zhang 与张老师/先生谈话9.after school 放学后10.do kung fu 功夫表演/练功夫Section B 1a-1f1.play the violin 弹小提琴2.play the piano 弹钢琴3.play the drums 打鼓Section B 2a-2c1.play ping pong 打乒乓2.play games with sb. 和某人玩游戏3.in the school music 在学校音乐4.be busy /反be free=have time有空/有时间5.need sth./need sb. to do sth.需要某事/需要某人做某事6.help for old people 帮助老人7.help (sb.) with sth. 在…帮助某人8.music teacher wanted 招聘音乐教师9.be good with sb. 与…相处得好10.make friends (with sb.) 与某人交朋友11.at the old people’s home 在敬老院12.in English 用英语13.on the weekend 在周末14.English-speaking students 讲英语的学生15.the Students’ Sports Center学生运动中心_Section B 3a-3b1.school music festival 学校音乐节2.musicians wanted 招聘音乐家3.call sb.at... 打电话…找某人4.It sounds good ! 听起来不错!Unit 2请读熟记准记牢 Section A 1a-1c1,what time 几点钟/什么时间2.go to school 上学3.get up 起床4.get dressed 穿衣5.brush teeth 刷牙6.eat breakfast=have breakfast 吃早饭7.take a shower 淋浴8.at six thirty=at half past six 在六点半9.at six twenty=at twenty past six在六点二十10.at six forty=at twenty to seven在六点四十Section A 2a-2d1.have an interesting job有一份有趣的工作2.work at a radio station 在广播电台工作3.radio show 广播访谈节目4.from...to... 从…到…5.at night 在晚上6.in the morning 在早上7.after that 在那以后8.go to work 去上班9.be late


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