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必修三 Unit1 Festivals around the world 那照片让她想起淹死在海里的爱人,她哭了。 The photo ________ her _____her lover who had drowned at sea, and she wept. 2. 多年来,这位身居墨西哥的老人日夜梦想着回到自己的祖国。 For many years this old man who ______ _____Mexico has been dreaming _____ ______ _______about going back to his homeland. 3. 这位精力旺盛的诗人也没有能够找出这些词的起源。 The ________poet could not find the _______of the words. 4. 我们又见面了,他为自己没有信守诺言而向我道歉,并希望我能原谅他。 When we met again, he _________ to me for not having ______ ______ _____and asked me to ______ him. 5. 根据专家们的预测,他会荣获今年金鸡奖的最佳男演员奖。 According to experts’________, he will win the best _____ at the Golden Rooster Award this year. 6. 很明显,他在尽力屏住呼吸。 It was ________that he was trying to _______ _______ ______ 7. 如果你没有获得夜间泊车许可,就不能在此停车。 If you haven’t got a night parking _________, you can’t _____ your car here. 下周举行的大会是为了纪念他们的祖先100多年前来到这个村庄。 The meeting that will ______ ______ next week is in memory of their ancestors’ arrival in the village one hundred years ago. Unit 2 Healthy eating 1. 这一饮食的缺点是包含了太多的脂肪和糖分,优点是有很多能提供能量的食品。 The _______of this diet is that it has too much fat and sugar; its ______is that it has plenty of energy-giving food. 2. 那个商店老板试图通过打折来赢回顾客。 The shopkeeper is trying to ____his customers _____with a discount. 3. 如果你不为自己的错误道歉的话,他们是不会放过你的。 If you don’t say sorry for your mistake, they won’t let you ______ ______ ______it. 4. 他已经负债很久了。对于他来说,如何谋生成了个大问题。 He has been ____ ______ for a long time. How to _____ ______ ______ is a big problem. 5. 就在我等朋友时,突然发现有个男人在离我不远处正瞪眼看着我。 When I was waiting for my friend, I suddenly spied a man not far away ______ _____me. 6. 我不想对你说谎,但是我不得不告诉你他的智力有限。 I don’t want to ____ _____ ______ you, but I have to say that his intelligence is ______. 7. 专家说吃胡萝卜对眼睛很有好处。Experts say eating carrots _________ your eyes. Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 1. 事实上,当他进入办公室时是偶然被保安发现的。 As a matter of fact, he was spotted _______ _______ by the guard as he entered the office. 2. 至于我,则想碰碰运气,在家乡开个公司。 _____ _____me, I want to_____


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