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魔发奇缘单词掌握练习11-12 The?fire?has been extinguished?downstairs.?How?is?it?going?upstairs?? 楼下的火熄灭了。楼上情况怎么样? Hey,?last time?you?told?me?that you were?preparing to?buy?a?new?house.?How?is?it going?now?? 嘿,上次你跟我提过准备买套新房子。现在怎么样了? The price of a house depends on its size and location. 房子的价格取决于房子的面积和位置. The restaurant is located near the cathedral大教堂. 餐馆位于附近。 The capital is located on the river. 首都位于河畔. That battle decided the entire military军事的?situation. ? 那一仗决定了整个战局。 ?Analyze the?situation?before you act. ? 行动前分析一下形势。 Its?quite?normal?to?feel?angry?in?a?situation?like?this.?? 在这种情况下生气是很正常的. ?Do?keep?clam when?you?find?yourself?in?such?a?situation.?? 碰到这样的情况,你一定要冷静. The?other?day?I?came?across?a?friend?in?the?street.?? 日前我在街上遇见了一位朋友.When?he?came?across?his?close?friend, he unfolded his arms and hugged him 当他遇到密友时,?张开双臂紧紧拥抱对方. I?came?across?this?book?in?an?old?bookstore?on?Fourth?Avenue.?? 我在第四街的一家旧书店找到了这本书. ?I?came?across?some?old?photos?of?my?father?in?a?book.?? 我在一本书中偶然发现我父亲的几张旧照片. How on earth did you fall out of the window. 你究竟是如何从窗户掉出去的. Why on earth do not you wind the clock? 你(究竟)为什么不上闹钟? What on earth are you hinting at? 你到底在暗示什么? If you chase two rabbits, both will escape. 同时追逐两只兔子, 一只也追不到. Everyone chases after happiness, not noticing that happiness is at their heels. 每个人都在追逐幸福, 但却没有注意到幸福就跟在他们后面. She sees a pretty butterfly, and chases after it. 她看见了一只美丽的蝴蝶, 就追着它跑. My dog has gone nutty(发疯的. He just chases his tail all day and night. 我的狗真是疯了, 整天整夜追自己的尾巴. Good luck is when an opportunity comes along and youre prepared for it. 好运就是当机会来临时,你早已做好了准备。 Be prepared for anything to happen. 准备好对付任何可能发生的事件。 Opportunities always belong to those who are well prepared. I am prepared to lend you the money if you promise to pay it back. 我愿意把钱借给你,你得答应还给我. I thanked him for the offer but turned it down. 我谢绝了他的提议。 Do sit down. And may we offer you something to drink? 请坐,给您拿点喝的好吗? The dining room has lakeside views and offers excellent cuisine. 在那家饭店用餐能欣


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