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英语初赛试题 参考用

海南省翻译协会2011年翻译大赛 英汉翻译初赛参考题目 (本科组) 英译汉 Awiyao reached for the upper horizontal log which served as the edge of the head-high threshold. Clinging to the log, he lifted himself with one bound that carried him across to the narrow door. He slid back the cover, stepped inside, then pushed the cover back in place. After some moments during which he seemed to wait, he talked to the listening darkness. “I’m sorry this had to be done. I am really sorry. But neither of us can help it.” The sound of the gangsas beat through the walls of the dark house, like the muffled roar of falling waters. The woman who had moved with a start when the sliding door opened had been hearing the gangsas of she did not know how long. The sudden rush of the rich sounds when the door opened was like a sharp gush of fire in her. She gave no sign that she heard Awiyao, but continued to sit unmoving in the darkness. 汉译英 某翁,其婿造新居,送礼十元。是日,新居落成,婿设宴谢工友新朋。翁欲去,其子阻拦:“你能喝几盅?我能满饮十八杯,每杯算二两,再加菜,礼大半可回矣。”遂不听翁劝,迳去赴宴。 席间,无人苦劝,其子仍顾自豪饮,不觉头晕目眩,且欲吐。低头张口,旋即寻思,若不带回喂猪,岂不亏也。便吐于已衣兜内。 其翁见子,趔趔趄趄从猪舍转出,情知子醉如泥,忙购糖水梨四瓶,强灌之,方解其酒。子酒醒,再看猪,猪已醉死。 参考答案 英译汉部分答案 阿威伸手够住一人多高、当做门槛的横木,双手握紧,一纵身跳上狭窄的小门。他把门拉开,走进去,又把门关好。他似乎要等什么似的站了一会儿,才对着黑暗中的人说。“我很遗憾非这么做不可。是真的。可我们谁也没法子。” 锣声透过这幽暗的小屋的墙壁传进来,如同沉闷的瀑布声。刚才的开门声使屋里的女人吓了一跳。她一直在听锣声,自己也不知听了多久。门一开响亮的锣声涌了进来,她心里像激起了一团火。她好像没听见阿威进来,仍旧呆坐在黑暗中。 汉译英部分答案 One old gentleman made a gift of ten yuan to his son-in-law who was having a new house built. On the day of its completion, the son-in-law gave a banquet in honor of the workmen, and his friends and relatives. The old man was setting out for the house-warming party when his son stopped him. “How many cups of wine can you drink?” his junior asked contemptuously. “I can easily toss off eighteen full cups. Let’s say there is two liang in one cup, and together with the other things I consume, I can get back half of the money gift’s worth for you.” So he turned a deaf ear to his father’s warning against overdrinking and made straight for the feast.


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