英翻中 哈利波特翻译作业.doc

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英翻中 哈利波特翻译作业

I do not own anything that has to do with Harry Potter. The only thing that belongs to me would be any new characters that I might add. Ten years, have passed since Hermione had last stepped foot onto the grounds of Hogwarts. The dark school looked so ghastly against the night sky. Just looking at the school made Hermione shiver with some unknown feeling. But Hermione just pushed it aside because there were bigger problems facing her. The first, going back to a world she so eagerly left. The second, was the memories that had started to resurface. Taking a deep breath Hermione took a step forward then slowly another. Looking around as she slowly glided to the steps of the school she recalled the angry screams, the cries for help, and the shouts of death. Taking another look she noticed a statue in the place where the whomping willow once stood. Staring at it more closely she noticed that it wasnt just any statue but a memorial for all those who fought and lost their life during the final battle. The memorial stood about eight feet off the ground and was in the shape of a lightening bolt. Looking at the memorial brought back memories of what had happened before the war. -It was May 29th, the seventh years were in study mode, the Newts were only days away and everyone was on the brink of insanity. That night was unusually quiet in the great hall where the students were all eating there dinner. Because of this no one missed the sound of the grand doors exploding open and the angry yells that were coming from outside the Great Hall. Without even missing a beat Hermione looked at Harry, who in turn looked at Dumbledore and then back at her. Now? Hermione whispered fearful of the answer, but already knowing what it would be. There he was looking at her with those somber eyes and gave a slow sad nod. She knew this was the moment that Dumbledore and everyone else was preparing him for. That this was the moment she feared. Harry then proceeded to stand and make his way to the


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