沈阳工业大学硕士英语精读 第五课 课文 If in doubt.docx

沈阳工业大学硕士英语精读 第五课 课文 If in doubt.docx

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沈阳工业大学硕士英语精读 第五课 课文 If in doubt

If in doubt, innovate 若质疑,则创新In 2010 a group of students at Aalto University, just outside Helsinki, embarked on the most constructive piece of student activism in the history of the genre. They had been converted to the power of entrepreneurialism during a visit to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. When they got home they organized a “summer of start-ups” to spread the word that Finland’s future lay with new companies, not old giants. The summer of start-ups turned into a season of innovation.2010年,位于赫尔辛基城郊的阿尔托大学(Aalto University)的一群学生,开始了历史流派上最具建设性意义的学生激进运动。在访问麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)期间,他们着迷于创业精神的力量,回国后,组织了一场“夏季创业”的活动来告诉世界,芬兰的未来在于新兴企业,而非老旧巨头。“夏季创业”变成了创新季。The Start-Up Sauna—a business accelerator that is still run by young enthusiasts but now funded by government, business and academia—occupies a dilapidated warehouse next to the university. It offers a wide range of services: working space, coaching for budding entrepreneurs, study trips to Silicon Valley and plenty of networking opportunities (including in the Sauna’s many saunas).“创业桑拿”——是个企业加速组织,虽仍由年轻爱好者运营,但现在已经得到政府、企业和学术界的资助,并占据大学旁边一个破旧荒废的仓库。它提供广泛的服务:工作空间、初创业者辅导、到硅谷游学,以及大量社交机会(包括在“创业桑拿”的许多桑拿浴活动)。The Sauna-masters have an understanding of entrepreneurship in advance of their years. They recognize that there is more to innovation than high tech: the Sauna also has design and knitting factories. They understand the importance of bridging the gap between engineering and design. They realise that promoting entrepreneurship is a matter of changing culture as much as providing money. They look to Russia and the Baltic states as well as to Boston and San Francisco.“桑拿”大师们了解创业初期的企业家精神。他们承认高科技并非创新的全部内容:“桑拿”同时还把设计与工厂连结;他们懂得连接设计和管理间差距的重要性;他们明白推动企业家精神与提供资金一样,是不断改变文化的事情;他们既指望得到俄罗斯与波罗的海诸国的帮助,也指望得到波士顿与旧金山的支持。The student revolution was part of a wider reconsideration of the proper relationship between government and business.This had started in 2008, when the Finnish government shook up the univer


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